Mocktails Or Messy

#47: Step Into Curated Chaos: From Cannabis T-Breaks to Cringe Confessions, Leading to Cosmic Growth!

Ryan Frankowski & Kelly Mizgorski

Ever wondered what it's like to take a break from cannabis and rediscover its magic? Our guests, Michael Rozzi and Keisha, share their experiences of a tolerance break and how it led them to savor the unique flavors of cannabis-infused beverages like spicy mango and blueberry once more. Together, we journey to Honcho, a vibrant queer festival in Pennsylvania, painted vividly as a liberating adult summer camp where art, music, and uninhibited self-expression reign supreme. Michael and Keisha's accounts make you feel the rhythm of freedom, inviting you to embrace an atmosphere where acceptance is the norm and new adventures await.

In this episode, we also explore the intriguing shift from corporate life to the spiritual path of astrology. Michael and Keisha open up about how astrology grew from simple magazine horoscopes to a profound tool for self-awareness, enriching their personal journeys. Between tales of late-blooming habits like partying and smoking and humorous stories of awkward dating escapades, we ensure a blend of laughter and life lessons. From orgy confessions to the relatable chaos of drunk texting, we wrap things up with a Q&A segment full of fun viewer questions and a generous serving of humor and personal growth.

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Speaker 1:

this is ryan frankovsky and kelly mzgorski, and you're listening to mocktails are messy and we have in the studio today one of my favorite angelinos pittsburgh penn staters, michael rossi, hello, hello and his bestie slash, wifey, slash, roomie, slash, astrologer. Ooh yes, keisha and Keisha, you got to tell me what do people call you? What's your like? Do they call you Mrs Keisha?

Speaker 3:

I like to be called Mother but Keisha will do fine for now.

Speaker 1:

Oh, cheers to that. Thank you guys for coming into the studio. Cheers to that Mock guys for coming into the studio. Cheers to that. Mocktails are messy guys. Now you guys are getting a little messy. You broke your tolerance break. We did, we did.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for bringing it in Okay so tell me what a tolerance break is, because I just don't know.

Speaker 3:

So if you're an avid weed smoker for a certain amount of time, which we were almost every day. Your body builds up a tolerance to it, so you smoke and you do not get as high. You do not feel the effects.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

But the best part about weed is, all you need is about maybe two weeks to a month before your tolerance. You could build it back up again. Okay, so we took a tolerance break, just so we can get higher.

Speaker 2:

It had nothing to do with health it was just so we can be higher.

Speaker 1:

Hey, that works for me yeah, and give us a little insight on flora. Do you feel like it's a good vibe? Does it give you that effect?

Speaker 3:

yes, calm me down, because this is I've never been on a podcast it's actually really delicious.

Speaker 4:

It is delicious. The spicy mango is the only one I've tried so far, but the flavor is phenomenal.

Speaker 1:

Oh, so you would definitely order that right. Yes, I like the ratio too.

Speaker 3:

So it's like in weed when you do CBD.

Speaker 1:

So it's THC to CBD. Well, so you're doing the spicy mango, yes, and then you're doing the blueberry.

Speaker 3:

It tastes like a really good sour, so I think that my problem is.

Speaker 2:

I don't like the calming effect, I like the high effect, okay, and so sometimes when I have stuff like that, it I don't know if this has ever happened, I don't. I've only smoked weed probably 30 times in my life.

Speaker 3:

Wow, we probably did 30 times, yeah, three times in what In the week?

Speaker 2:

Before our little talk.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we're sitting, I have this thing.

Speaker 2:

If I get too calm, it's like I forget to breathe and I have to consciously breathe.

Speaker 3:

So drug-wise you're like an upper yeah.

Speaker 2:

Is that what it is?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, consciously, also drug wise. You like an upper? Yeah, is that what it is? Yeah, because, like some, people do really good like psychedelics and downer.

Speaker 4:

See, I'm crazy all the time.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so weed kind of like brings me down to normal and then like my friend, like she can't take, oh, she'll pass, I'll go to sleep but you give her some coke, because there's an upper okay, let's go.

Speaker 2:

You can say that. Right, you can say anything, so you're probably likelly Okay. Thank you for explaining that to me. I'm like I don't know what's wrong with me.

Speaker 3:

You're probably like some molly too, I probably would.

Speaker 1:

That's true, definitely a friend of mine. We might need to go to Honcho with these guys. This is like a festival in the summertime. Can you give us a little description on that?

Speaker 4:

Honcho is the most beautiful experience we've ever been to. It is a queer space, but it is the most freeing experience on every level that we've ever experienced Just the freedom of what happens there, how people feel and express themselves and interact with each other. It's very much so like a Burning man, but 100% queer space, queer artists, queer art, installations, Everything is queer and they try to really focus on that and bringing the queer community together. But I mean having 3,000 gays locked into a farm and just running around in circles for six days.

Speaker 3:

It's on about 150 acres in Four Quarters Pennsylvania.

Speaker 4:

It's like queer adult summer camp.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, there's two djs set up with two big dj sets and it's parties is going on from 10 in the morning until 7 in the morning, like the next day, like it just doesn't stop and in addition to the party, and they have like meditation retreats, they have art, they have yoga, they have art classes, they have like literally anything that you want to do, but again it's all brought to you by different queer artists from around the country that are just like trying to bring something different to the table. Oh my god that sounds fun.

Speaker 4:

It's, yeah, it's a beautiful experience and like you will never see again, like we have a lot of friends that are trans and like you'll see them walking around, some of them completely naked mid-transformation, and they're comfortable to do so because it gives you that freedom and that space to do it and there's no judgment. There's no, nothing like again it's. It's a very, very beautiful experience yeah on on every level. We leave there every single, like last time pulling out. We were literally crying and we're like we can't wait till august next year, and it's not just the drugs yeah

Speaker 3:

it's the most freeing experience and I'm just a little girl from the bronx.

Speaker 4:

I've never been camping in my life and you'll be camping for like five, six days yeah the first year we went, she literally had people on like ice calls and she's like okay, cool, this is what you need to say to your boss if you have to come pick me up, because I don't know if I could live in the woods for that long. I never went camping that long by myself. You're a new yorker. I was petrified, so what brought?

Speaker 3:

you to pittsburgh. I came to pittsburgh for work about 10 years ago when I was a badass corporate girly, and now I'm a spiritual bitch.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and now you're just a. What A spiritual bitch.

Speaker 2:

So did Pittsburgh kind of suck you in? Yeah, I love.

Speaker 3:

Pittsburgh. I was born and raised in the Bronx, New York, but I became an adult here.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I became an adult in Pittsburgh. Cool and I had the money and the freedom and opportunity to be able to do it as well.

Speaker 4:

Okay, to do it as well, okay, okay. And then, before we get too far in michael, how do you know, ryan, I met this little kitty back at penn state, um, and we were both straightish. We were both straightish, um, or at least playing the game, yeah playing the game exactly um dl. I don't know what other terms we would call it um, but yeah, it was gosh. I don't even know how many years ago now it's 2010.

Speaker 1:

We met 2011. I was probably 18.

Speaker 4:

You were 17 around the same yeah yeah, um, but yeah, we've been through the ringer. Um, you know, I knew him when he was living his life in, uh, new york. He like came out to la and lived with me for a while whenever, yeah, he left new New York. So he was living with me in my apartment in LA.

Speaker 2:

I didn't know you were in LA too, yeah.

Speaker 4:

So we have been again through every walk of life together. Oh, yeah it just continues and somehow, even when life splits us up, we come back together.

Speaker 2:

Everything, just picks right back up where it left off, that's great, and now will you and Keisha explain your relationship and how you met.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, this is my platonic soulmate.

Speaker 4:

We actually so the festival we were talking about. We met naked in the woods at Honcho the first year.

Speaker 2:

Stop it. Yes, that is the most amazing thing I've ever heard.

Speaker 1:

We literally went. You didn't tell me that. No, no, I wanted to be surprised.

Speaker 4:

So the connection was actually through my brother. My brother knew Keisha and obviously my brother knew me and he kept talking about honcho, honcho, honcho. Like you guys have to try camp out and not knowing each other, we both signed up to bartend because we were like it's a first-time experience, like we don't know if we can like be there that many hours and like not have something to do.

Speaker 4:

So we went and we bartended and worked it was like six hour shifts, um, and my brother did not tell either of us that we were going. Um, and my brother told her that he would be her ride. And I was already talking to my brother about being his ride and he didn't communicate that to either of us what?

Speaker 4:

the literally, um, you know, survival for six days in the woods. We all have like coolers, tents, all the things, and I pull up to pick my brother up, thinking I'm only taking my brother, and I see keisha, my brother, both standing out on the corner with all of their shit for six days and I'm like so, um, that was our first introduction and like the ride up there was hilarious, like we were stuffed in the car. You could only see Keisha's like head in the back seat because she had so many bags and tents and everything else on her lap. And again, like it was just, you know, love at first sight. We kept, like you know, talking and hanging out the entire trip and then, obviously, like it was such a freeing experience at honcho that gave us the ability to do that, um, and she will creepily tell you there was one night where I was like sleeping by the fire and she was just sitting there staring at me for two hours like how did I meet somebody that I like feel like I know their soul already?

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I see it like there's something, but there's something. You both have the same energy everybody, yeah everybody, literally.

Speaker 4:

Like people come up to us and they're like, oh my god, we absolutely love your energy. Like how long you guys been friends and we're like only two years, and they're like that's no, we've been friends for lifetimes oh for sure that gave me chills for

Speaker 2:

some reason like because I feel it like, yeah, you guys aren't just making it up again.

Speaker 4:

It was not a coincidence, like everything just kind of lined up and it felt it was not a coincidence. Like everything just kind of lined up and it felt perfect, like it feels closer than family.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. Now I don't know Keisha as well, but I do feel like I've known you for lifetimes after connecting. But I do feel so blessed because I love this guy so much that he has that kind of person in his life, because I think, you know, everybody loves rossi, everybody wants to connect with rossi, but he cannot be like held down. He is off to the fucking races, you know, and you seem like a pivotal person in his life. That is not holding him down.

Speaker 4:

You're embracing him and you guys seem like to be really thriving yeah, she definitely brings the balance into my life and I mean, you know I'm very, you cannot be held down. I have an aries mars, which means I'm very impulsive. Just go, go, go, I'll figure it out as it's happening. Like, yeah, she definitely makes me like sit back and think, and even times that I'm not thinking. After the fact she'll be like, okay, we're going to sit down and we're going to look at X, y, z, because why are you doing this and why do you keep doing this?

Speaker 2:

I need that in my life.

Speaker 3:

I need someone like just like spirituality, practice wise, like as wise like. Today is a new moon and it starts a new cycle, so we sit down and we journal, we journal with the new moon like, we have our prompts, our tarot cards. We confront the shadow answer major questions and we answer questions, and then we're able to, like, move forward, and then when a full moon comes, then we're going to do it again, and it just helps us dive deep and keep it more connected how do you know what to do?

Speaker 3:

um, so I have a website that I follow and now it'll give you, like this is the full moon, this is what it means. It's an aquarius, it's, this is that. And third, and it'll give you like five journal prompts based on the energies of the moon, and we'll just flip them over, we'll read it with each other and we'll journal, and we'll journal them down that sounds like it could be like helpful for people it is so helpful to are you able to do?

Speaker 2:

you know the name of the website?

Speaker 3:

yeah, it's called astral matrix. Okay, it's a beautiful website and if you put your chart in there as well, they'll tell you the transits, what's happening, and it's just a better way of understanding yourself, what's going on in the world, where you fit in it and what you could do and maybe why you're feeling a certain way on that day or you might be super anxious, but actually the stars are lined up for you to be feeling more anxious on a normal day.

Speaker 1:

It gives you a lot of insight into why you're feeling the way you feel and how you're interacting with the world around you. So you've come a long way from a corporate girly working for a large furniture company running shit, getting moved from New York to the Berg with a nice fucking cushy job. But you are spiritual, yes, and you've always been passionate about that. Is this your profession now?

Speaker 3:

Yes, this is my profession. Now has been astrology girly from me and my cousin sitting in the outside on our porch looking at teen magazine and having, like the horoscope, little things in the back remember that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, thank you yeah and then we graduated to 17, older and um, it went from that kind of small interest into like she's seen it, understands her, understands me my mother's an aquarist reading about it and, before you know her, like in barnes and nobles, like as teenagers, when most teenagers, probably in new york, is out doing something crazy like smoking and drinking, I didn't do none of that stuff. I'm a, I'm a wayward adult. I was not a wayward child.

Speaker 3:

So we spent our times in barnes and nobles reading astrology books yeah, reading astrology books.

Speaker 1:

Did you say wayward? Yeah, wayward, what is that? So we're a little slow. What's wayward? We're in low vocabulary. We got the intellects on this side of the room. How can I?

Speaker 3:

explain wayward if I was like a, if I was like a good child, I am a wild adult, oh yeah, yeah. Yeah, she was a late bloomer, I got it. Yeah, I'm a late bloomer as far as the party scene, yes, yeah, that too now, she didn't drink until 21, okay yeah, yeah, my first time I got drunk, I was like 18 and then I didn't do it again for a long time. I wasn't even like a consecutive weed smoke until like 28 oh wow, yeah, my brother was who starts smoking at 28?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's interesting.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm a late bloomer with that stuff.

Speaker 1:

I was just like I didn't really touch this stuff until Rozzy.

Speaker 3:

Oh, oh, it's a corrupted.

Speaker 1:

I mean La La Land too, you know, like when it's a recreational. Yeah, it's like I don't need a car and I'm just going to the store.

Speaker 3:

No, I didn't like fully smoke until about like 28. I didn't like fully smoke smoke until about like 28.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

When did you start, Michael?

Speaker 4:

Probably about 15, 16.

Speaker 1:

Did you get messy or were you just more of like a chill smoker?

Speaker 4:

Um, it was definitely chill when I was younger. To me it was a way to again you know, like my upbringing was a little chaotic, but it was a way for me to kind of escape that and it was introduced to me through. You know, obviously a lot of kids in high school were smoking and you know I remember going out back behind like BP and like meeting up with people and like taking a quick hit in there.

Speaker 2:

And that's a gas station for right.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, because we have have, you know, listeners that don't know what bp is. Yes, so you know like meet up behind the gas station to like take a quick hate in there. Um, yeah, it was always like you know, just it, it would calm me down. It was like an escape from all the chaos of my life.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you were being shifted again, like it just kept growing and growing from there, and I don't't think it was. It was definitely not as consistent as it became Again. I was playing sports and swimming and doing all the other things in high school, so that kind of took precedent over being a druggie there. It was recreational after a while, so it was just like you didn't even have to have a card, you could just walk in and grab whatever you wanted um, so it just kind of kept growing and growing and then um.

Speaker 4:

This is probably the first tolerance break that I've taken um my whole life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah um, I've noticed it's a trend now because after the pandemic, we just were doing it all day, drinking, smoking, and then I don't know what it was about 2024, 2025 that people are now taking tolerance breaks, and that's both like alcohol, weed, even like medications, because you know, you build up such a tolerance with anything. Even me, I've been like three weeks, four weeks off of caffeine and it's weird, yeah, like I don't really feel like myself. You're going full sober. Yeah Like double down sober no.

Speaker 3:

I was telling him we should do that with sugar.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no shit, she is trying to get me out.

Speaker 2:

I would like to do that with sugar. I will do it with you.

Speaker 1:

That's a great idea. What about full?

Speaker 4:

30? Y'all said that, but I was real quick to be like, ah, no.

Speaker 3:

He said that about the tolerance break three months ago too, just so you know he already did 30 days. He did the 30 days.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm sure, kelly, you're eager to get to the questions. Oh, the fun questions, We'll do some fun questions Now that everybody has gotten to know each other.

Speaker 2:

You're lubed up, we're ready to go. We just have some like random questions that our viewers sent in. Okay, what's a drunk text that you still regret, and who was it too?

Speaker 4:

do you want to take this first, um, I'm not gonna say who for purposes of you know um, but I will say um. So somebody that I see on a regular basis around pittsburgh, um, through stonewall sports, if you know what that is yeah um at kickball, dodgeball, all the things um a regular face.

Speaker 4:

We've always done like you know, the flirtatious eyes and hey, how are you all? A little like small kitty cat talk, but it never really goes anywhere. And it was actually just recently. But there was a night that I was a little intoxicated and I got it upon myself to message this person through one of the apps and which was grind.

Speaker 2:

Do you have the text?

Speaker 4:

I do. I'm just going to tell you what it said. But I said when are you going to give me a chance to smash my face between them cheeks? And again, this is somebody that I see every Sunday. I will see them again this Sunday when I go to dodgeball. Oh, my god, they did not respond. They read it. They did not respond Sunday. I will see them again this Sunday when. I go to dodgeball. They didn't respond. They did not respond. They read it. They did not respond.

Speaker 2:

Bless your heart.

Speaker 4:

But again, I know that it's good, or his cheeks.

Speaker 1:

He does have pretty cheeks. I will say that.

Speaker 4:

Oh. Like smash face plant. I would love to smash my face between lip cheeks. Do you know what's sad about my I think drunk text?

Speaker 3:

Because I think I Smash face plant. I would love to smash my face between lip cheeks. Do you know what's sad about my I think drunk text? Because I think I drunk text like Josh Orange for you and I think I was like when are you going to let Michael get in between them cheeks? So my drunk text is not even for me, it's actually more along the line for you too, Because I think I text him exactly that. Well, thank you, You're welcome.

Speaker 4:

This is why it's my platonic soulmate she's a good fucking wifey, soulmate, mother, mother, that's right.

Speaker 2:

Are you going to get my boy or not? Okay, you guys, if somebody leaked your search history, what would you die if they saw?

Speaker 3:

For mine, the amount of gay porn that I watch, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

That sounds very familiar, you too.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes I mean, and we watch together, if he sees one that he likes, he'll send it to me.

Speaker 3:

I'm like watching and fully getting off. I need you to know I love you yeah we're not.

Speaker 4:

It's not just for us.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, we're watching and we're fully getting off.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I love it. I love it. What makes you think that? I guess because it's two men and you consider yourself more fluid.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I'm very fluid and sexual wise, like I don't want to limit myself and I love all pleasure and it's like two guys is different versus two girls being different, because sometimes I want two guys. I want to see that masculinity. I'm gonna hit both men moan, yeah, especially if the guy's leg is up like this and the dick is going. It's quick for me, yes, but sometimes I want to watch two girls and it's soft and they're like doing like kind, of like that and then that's such a good description.

Speaker 3:

Yes, because sometimes you want to switch it up and, um, I've watched two guys and a girl, two girls and a guy, so, but the amount of gay porn in my search history is probably.

Speaker 4:

It's probably why google thinks I'm a gay man too hers isn't as bad as mine, I feel, um, uh, okay. So backstory we watched thousand pound sisters, what. I don't know if you've seen that story or that.

Speaker 2:

That series is that like the? Yeah, it's the two sisters that are like overweight.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, the one's like 500 and the one's like 700, um, damn. So the quick backstory was um, they made a reference on there the one 700 pound one had somebody drive like three, four hours to meet her and she's talking about how they had made love and it was the most beautiful night of her life and all those things, and I'm like I'm on grinder and nobody will even come like a mile, and like she has somebody driving four hours for her. So, um, she referred to herself as um ssbbw. So of course I had to go down the rabbit hole of what does this mean? Is there others? Um, but it's supersized, big, beautiful women.

Speaker 4:

Okay, um, and yes, there is a whole category on Pornhub, uh, and these are women who are five, 600 pounds plus and love their size. And I went down a very big rabbit hole. Um, I don't know, I don't know if it's curiosity, but like I find it fascinating that this is, I I don't know the folds and some of the most beautiful men, I'm telling you, some of the most beautiful tiny men that are no bigger than us, are infatuated with.

Speaker 4:

Maybe I'm one of them actually, yeah maybe low-key but when I tell you that I watched every single video on this channel? I have watched every single video on this, oh, shit yeah that is so interesting.

Speaker 1:

Well, I think when you just like, you don't find that like if, if you're reading it, you're like, oh, whatever, that's not a big.

Speaker 4:

But then when you see it visually and it strikes your interest, yeah, because he's like well how well I'm like, first of all, like you have all this extra weight and body fat and all these things and like you know you're moving yourself and like how, how are you doing all these things and positions? Thank you, yeah, thank you, and that's what I was fascinated and like again, like there's many videos you can watch and like twerking, all the different sex positions, everything and you're just like, damn like that's nuts props to you, because your leg is three times the size of my body itself.

Speaker 4:

Oh my god. I didn't even know I was very curious how do you even find the parts? What are you doing? How?

Speaker 3:

is this happening Is?

Speaker 4:

there a feeling. Do you know what the feeling is? And then again these men. It's a tiny little stick, man smashed in a puddle, basically, and it's just like.

Speaker 3:

My favorite is the double stomach reveal.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

So when they lift up their stomach, and it's two more on the left oh.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I their stomach, and it's two more. Oh yeah, yeah, I call that the double. Oh yeah, she was like lifting one stomach.

Speaker 3:

She was like lifting one stomach and then like moving the other to then find her fupa and like, yeah, it was a whole thing, it's a whole category and I'm telling you, the most beautiful men come out and they I have watched hours and it's, I probably, actually something you thought existed I probably actually watch more ssb bw porn now than I do actual like gay porn.

Speaker 4:

that would, I don't know. It's the curiosity, yeah.

Speaker 1:

What's your worst hookup story? Do you want to go first on this?

Speaker 3:

one, I'll go.

Speaker 1:

I'll go for this I know you guys are really prude, no, so when I lived in New York, City.

Speaker 3:

It was this bouncer who worked at the club. His name was divine and I thought he was so beautiful and I've never been like a shy girl. And, um, I saw him in the club, I was just like stalking him, stalking, stalking. Finally gave him my number, he invited me out, we went out, we went to his house and I'm just like, oh no, not yet, not yet. And then, um, the second time we went out, same thing and I knew I wanted it, but I was gonna make him work for it. Not yet, not yet, not yet. Then I went with my girlfriends and I was like, you know, today is going to be the day, today is going to be the day. I did my cutesy little, however long I thought he was supposed to wait, and I get to his house, it was time for sexy time and I started to give him head and I threw up on his dick Full.

Speaker 2:

It gagged you, and I don't even have a bad gag reflex.

Speaker 1:

I'm really upset now that I think about it, but yeah, I was out drinking with my friends and full. I'm not even like a little full and you could.

Speaker 3:

I'm talking about full, full oh fuck full and room smelled everything. Just showered and went home how did he? React. He reacted disgusted, as he showed up wow, I know, it's like not.

Speaker 1:

It's one thing.

Speaker 3:

If you're stupid on the floor, it's like right here it's right, it was right, there bed lap all oh fuck, after I was playing cute for like the last how many weeks like you gotta wait for this?

Speaker 2:

He gotta go, wait for some throw-ups, oh my god, needless to say I had never saw him again.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

Too bad.

Speaker 2:

That wasn't his fetish or something.

Speaker 1:

I know, oh well, I didn't think about that.

Speaker 3:

Would I have stayed if it was? You probably would be.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I feel like you'd be grossed out. You're like this isn't even cute.

Speaker 3:

I was more embarrassed because, once again, I was spending the whole time like catch me if you can Catch me if you can. She gives me like actress vibes, little animated faces that was like one of my worst stories. Rosary ring around the Rosary.

Speaker 1:

I know Rosary's been a couple guys, maybe three, maybe one girl, maybe one girl three guys.

Speaker 4:

It's been a very long time. Um no, I think the worst would have been um. There was a really cute vietnamese boy that I met when I first moved to la. Did I meet him?

Speaker 1:

no, I've tried to avoid him since, because I did meet the one guy still avoiding him oh okay, we're not gonna talk about that guy. Oh no, the one that his family wants you to be his husband.

Speaker 4:

Oh no.

Speaker 4:

We'll talk about that later, later, off camera. The only one I can think about, though, is this boy. I was still fresh to LA, I was fresh to being gay, um, and actually being out, and um. This boy took me back to his apartment, and his apartment was white on white, on white on white um, white sheets, white towels, white carpeting everything you can imagine white, white, white, um, weird, yeah. Now imagine, um, being freshly gay. I didn't know the whole process of like how to prepare 100, yeah, um, and he had a very big dick and um, vietnamese boy had a big dick.

Speaker 4:

Yes, I know how to find him. Okay, yeah, so, um, you know, on his white bed um, go to, um, get on top of him and ride him. And it just opened up the gates of hell. That's what we're calling it.

Speaker 1:

We're getting an education Gates of hell, oh shit.

Speaker 4:

No pun intended. I was never so embarrassed in my life.

Speaker 1:

So, needless to say, there might have been brown involved.

Speaker 2:

Now, how did he react?

Speaker 1:

All over white.

Speaker 4:

Oh, fuck, all over white.

Speaker 1:

Now, was it like brown, like solid, or was it like oh my God, Absolutely not. Oh, fuck Rossi, what did you eat?

Speaker 4:

It was absolutely not solid.

Speaker 1:

You know what you didn't know. He thought you knew. You didn't know how to prepare.

Speaker 4:

I mean I'm grateful for him because he tried to play it off in the best way possible and was just like you're okay, it's okay.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, the smell right.

Speaker 4:

And I am pretty sure that he threw pretty much his entire bed set away.

Speaker 3:

He's just crying over there. He was very cute.

Speaker 4:

He's like just go in the shower and clean yourself up. And the whole time I hear him in the background. He's trying not to throw up. He's like, oh god, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Some people that is there. I don't think that's me, but I know people that can't smell certain things. You're like that.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm not, I'm fine, you're fine with shit, it was embarrassing.

Speaker 4:

I tried to avoid him and there was only one other time that I ran into him in like the eight and a half years of being in LA.

Speaker 1:

We saw each other again out on Santa Monica Boulevard in WeHo and he like gave me a little nonchalant like hey, like hey, how are you doing? That was it, and I was still. I'm like, don't look at me don't.

Speaker 4:

Don't judge me, I just knew we all have a first time?

Speaker 2:

yeah, he's probably been there before yeah, now what is your most embarrassing like post-party aftermath story?

Speaker 1:

is that this past saturday? No, no, that was a quiet night.

Speaker 4:

I just got taken home from a party. I mean that's not, no, no, no you got taken home from an orgy.

Speaker 2:

Yes, okay well, I'm just not sure if it all happens like at the orgy or if sometimes you go home well, supposedly I was gonna say she calls me greedy, so maybe that was the thing.

Speaker 4:

But you know like, I feel like at the orgy. It's like take your pick and you can choose and try everything out, and it's like, you know, like test driving, yeah, and then it's like cool this was the one that I like the most that's a good way to describe it like test driving a car.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you want to like kind of and even like shopping for a home.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, just you know a hole just a hole, shopping for holes we all want pleasure, so like let me see what's the most pleasurable, and then I'll take that home he's so coy about it.

Speaker 1:

Yes, he is.

Speaker 3:

When he texted me like see you in the morning, I won't be back home, see you in the morning.

Speaker 4:

I was like all right, I have an orgy to someone, michael yeah, even the guy said he was like, send a picture of both of us together so she knows who to come after because, um, you did come home with somebody from an orgy.

Speaker 3:

Oh no, I was already out. I text him like I'm out too bitch.

Speaker 1:

We are so fucking boring we need to go hang out with these guys.

Speaker 3:

I was still at Hot Mess.

Speaker 1:

But I feel like I'm in New.

Speaker 4:

York City, but it's Pittsburgh, we will bring the vibes. Oh yeah, it doesn't matter where we're at.

Speaker 1:

We will bring the big city to the small town. There you go, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Do you have any Keisha, any walks of shame or anything like that after a party?

Speaker 3:

No, not that I could think of no.

Speaker 2:

Okay, this one will be good. What's the craziest thing you've ever done out of jealousy or spite? I'll go, oh go, all jealousy or spite, I'll go.

Speaker 1:

Oh go, all right, I like how you just knew, ding, ding ding it's not a great story.

Speaker 3:

It's not my finest um hour. Um I was dating all right. Where do I even fucking start?

Speaker 3:

I was dating this guy named blank and um me and his girlfriend had like a two week long threesome oh yeah like she was from maryland and he, we were like kind of messing around, and I guess they were kind of messing around and we're just like fuck it, we're all just messing around and we did it for like two weeks, right. But then after that I wasn't the girl that he chose, right, and he was seeing her permanently. And a year rolls around later and she gets pregnant, she has a baby and the baby doesn't look like him. So I decide to sign him up for Maury. Oh, hell, yeah. So they were calling him for a paternity test.

Speaker 2:

And that was just pure spite, because we spent two weeks together and I was the one who was not the girlfriend at the end, and that's my jealousy and spite story. I love that one.

Speaker 3:

I think that's a pretty fine moment, if you ask me my defense. The baby looked nothing like him.

Speaker 2:

I was just trying to help out.

Speaker 1:

yeah, I was just trying to help out, yeah. So, guys, thank you so much for opening up, sharing us your little stories, being honest and vulnerable with us. We want to come back with Keisha and Rozzy ASAP.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this was great. I know, this was just touching, we're scratching the surface.

Speaker 3:

Oh, there's a lot more messy. We were holding back on the good stories.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, we need at least two hours.

Speaker 2:

We might need a part two then.

Speaker 1:

Yes, keisha, our astrology star sister and my college sweetheart, bring in your cosmic energy guys, your wisdom and all the laughs to this show. Your star power is undeniable. We are so grateful to have you on. Mocktails are Messy. Love you guys.

Speaker 2:

Keisha and.

Speaker 1:

Rozzy. Thank you so much, cheers. This is Ryan Frankofsky, and.

Speaker 2:

Kelly Musgorski.

Speaker 1:

Thank you guys. We love you and I hope to see you ASAP out and about.

Speaker 2:

Yes, all right.

Speaker 1:

Signing off. Signing off We'll see you at Summit in Mount Washington with Keisha and. Rozzy, let's take it to the Summit and get that popcorn.

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