Mocktails Or Messy
Mocktails Or Messy
#46: Behind the Curtain of ONLYFANS with Dominic Hill
What if your journey to self-discovery involved a little bartending flair and a lot of online creativity? Join us as Dominic Hill, our captivating guest, shares candid insights into his transformation from high school days to the confident performer and content creator he is today. With laughter and nostalgia, we revisit those formative years and the evolution of LGBTQ+ acceptance, celebrating Dominic's glow-up and his bold venture into OnlyFans, where art and allure seamlessly blend.
As we navigate the highs and lows of embracing one's identity, Dominic reveals the critical role of confidence and supportive friendships in pursuing a career in performance art. We explore societal perceptions of aging, particularly within the gay community, and discuss the liberating yet challenging process of being true to oneself. With heartfelt anecdotes, Dominic illustrates how fitness and friendships have empowered him to make bold career choices and highlights the importance of having a supportive network in realizing one's potential.
Ever wondered about the intricacies of adult content platforms? Dominic takes us behind the scenes, comparing OnlyFans and Just for Fans, and sharing the nuanced art of personal branding online. From navigating dating apps to collaborating with other creators, we dive into the challenges of maintaining boundaries while engaging followers with authenticity. Dominic's tale of a quirky keyboard scene and a special subscriber offer adds a playful twist to the complexities of creating content that resonates. Tune in for an episode that's as insightful as it is entertaining, celebrating the art of self-expression and the journey to finding one's true path.
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Dominic Hill is with us today In the studio. We actually know you from high school. You look completely different now.
Speaker 2:You know I was still trying to figure myself out at like 22. Did you ever figure it out?
Speaker 1:Cheers to not figuring it out. Yes, you have an OnlyFans account.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you've definitely had that glow up yeah you did have a glow up and you were always a cutie. Patootie, patootie.
Speaker 1:You can be very cutthroat, so you have to make sure Keeping everything nice and tight, like really high standards.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I can't speak. You got me so distracted.
Speaker 1:You got your titties out today.
Speaker 2:Showcase your artistic side, artistic side, sexy side, as somebody who is gay, bisexual, lesbian, transgender.
Speaker 1:Don't point at me.
Speaker 2:I'm not lesbian, oh shit.
Speaker 1:Kelly Misgorski.
Speaker 2:And Ryan Frankofsky and you're listening to. Mocktails are Messy and we have Mr Dominic Hill, dominic Hill. Dominic Hill is with us today In the studio. Thank you for coming. Thanks for having me On. Mocktails Are Messy. We navigate the fine line between mindful sipping and our not-so-distant train wreck past. I am here to prove that you do not need booze to bring the buzz. Cheers Now, dominic, you introduced us to your version of the espresso martini.
Speaker 1:Yeah, cheers to that, cheers. Now, dominic, you introduced us to your version of the espresso martini. Yeah, cheers, dominic, cheers. So I'm excited to try this.
Speaker 3:You dig it. I'm going to put a little bit of hair on my chest. I'm going to put hair on my chest. Yes, of hair on my chest. Yes, I don't have good hair on my chest, yes.
Speaker 2:So to give you a little insight behind Insight, I don't know what, I can't speak. You got me so distracted with the nice chest.
Speaker 1:You got your titties out today, exactly yes.
Speaker 2:So right now I have the Pathfinder. It is a patented distilled non-alcoholic spirit. Are you into mocktails? Yeah.
Speaker 3:I used to bartend so I had to like know some of them. But like they didn't come into vogue until like after I stopped bartending. But I did try some back in the day and like still to this day, I'm like trying to cut back on my drinking.
Speaker 2:You're a performer, you know you got to keep that body in check. Yeah, I got to keep everything tight. Yeah, you know you got to keep that body in check. Yeah, you got to keep everything tight.
Speaker 3:Yeah, where did you bartend?
Speaker 2:I was at Mad Max for like years and years $5 margarita Monday Me and you lit that up at Penn State oh my gosh, we went crazy.
Speaker 1:So just to clarify, Dominic Hill, you have an OnlyFans account.
Speaker 2:Yes, so you're a performer. Yes, I love it, and it's a great way to just like showcase your artistic side, artistic side sexy side, and what's funny is we actually know you from high school.
Speaker 1:You look completely different now.
Speaker 3:Yes, somebody went to the gym hard A little bit, I figured out what to do with my hair and facial hair.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you definitely had that glow up, yeah, yeah you did have a glow up and you were always a cutie patootie but like damn like you really patootie, patootie. I mean it's just like. It's amazing, like as we get older, do you feel like this is still a stigma, like men can look a little bit better with age, and like it's not as like I feel bad saying that. Is that like a thing, like you said that to me I don't even think it's a stigma.
Speaker 1:I think it's a thing you know in high school. A lot of boys haven't gone through puberty yet, so then you see them later on, like after college, and it's like whoa, I don't even recognize this person.
Speaker 3:Yes, so not just her shade, but it's like I feel like a lot of guys, like you know, they put on the freshman 15 and then they're like I don't give a fuck anymore, yeah. And then and then. So then it just kind of spirals from there and then maybe sometime in their forties they'll be like oh shit, like I need to get my my shit together, but like I feel like so many guys just kind of like give up after a certain point.
Speaker 1:Yes, you definitely had a glow up. You didn't put on, you know, fat. You put on muscle.
Speaker 3:Well, the gay world can be very cutthroat.
Speaker 1:So you know it's like really high standards. Yeah, yes.
Speaker 2:Now, I did not know that you were gay in high school. This was not something that we talked about. I mean, I didn't even know what I was. You know, I was still trying to figure myself out at like 22.
Speaker 3:Did you ever figure it out?
Speaker 2:No, actually that's a good question.
Speaker 3:Oh fuck.
Speaker 2:Cheers to not figuring it out yet. Yes, we're still growing up, oh my God, you're right, you're absolutely right. But like did you feel like our school was like open-minded? Was it hard to be part of the lgbtq plus in in high school? Uh?
Speaker 3:I feel like for our generation it was definitely a little bit different, like if if we had been like a little bit uh, part of a like a little bit older generation like maybe even like eight to ten years, yeah, like earlier, like we it probably I probably would have waited. But, um, you know, like I just kind of I kind of got to that point where I was like, okay, I know what's happening here and you know, like I can't really hide it.
Speaker 3:and then so I like kind of just told the people I was close with and then you know like I got to that point where, like, if people asked, I would say yes, but you know like I didn't, as, as you know, I didn't just one day start walking down the halls with you know like a pride flag around my neck.
Speaker 3:You know like blasting Madonna on my phone or anything. But yeah, I just kind of got to that point where I was like, ok, you know I'm just not going to deny it, and you know I'm just not going to deny it. And you know, like people, people were accepting and you know like I feel like it kind of took away the power from some of the people that were more asshole-ish about it. Because you know, once you control the narrative and you know they were like oh, yeah, like you're gay. And once, once I was able to be like, yeah, I am. And then they would be like, yeah, like you're gay. And once, once I was able to be like, yeah, I am. And then they would be like what do you say after that?
Speaker 1:like pearls, pearls clutched.
Speaker 3:It's like okay, like yeah, shit. And then I did notice that, like after I was able to just kind of take that narrative into my own hands that you know. People were like oh shit, now what do?
Speaker 2:I do, I lost my ammunition. You're like fuck, it sucks to be. You like now.
Speaker 3:You got nothing to throw at me because People were like oh shit, now what do I do? I lost my ammunition. You're like fuck, it sucks to be you. Now you got nothing to throw at me because I'm just owning it.
Speaker 2:And that's a really powerful message that you can showcase and share with people coming into 2025. It's still difficult in certain parts of the country and the world to still be feeling accepted as somebody who's gay, bisexual, lesbian, transgender Don't point at me, I'm not lesbian, oh shit. I don't know. She points at me and she says lesbian.
Speaker 3:I did kind of see that on my periphery.
Speaker 2:I didn't fully clock it until you said something. I mean she did make out with a couple chicks in college, that's normal.
Speaker 1:I mean, she did make out with a couple chicks in college. That's normal. I mean so did I? Yeah, Exactly.
Speaker 2:What has kind of guided you to becoming a performer?
Speaker 3:You know, I always thought about it, but at the time I was going to the gym but I didn't yet look like this, so I wasn't fully confident enough to do it. And then also, like at the time, you look amazing, thank you, oh, thanks, show it off yeah we're waiting for a nip slip funny enough, my aunt um who's an accountant, she um was doing my taxes and then, so you know, like I was afraid that I wouldn't uh be able to explain.
Speaker 3:You know, like, oh, like that's what this form is, this tax form that I'm getting, uh, and then so like I was a little bit afraid of that, because you know, like doing it and telling your family that you're doing that kind of stuff is are two very different things. Um. So you know, like, doing it and telling your family that you're doing that kind of stuff is are two very different things. Um, so you know, like I held off.
Speaker 2:Does your family know?
Speaker 3:No, not that I know of.
Speaker 2:Okay, yeah.
Speaker 3:Um, I, I mean, I feel like at this point my family just has kind of accepted that I'm going to be the wild child and do whatever the fuck I want. So, um, yeah, so I've just kind of like stopped giving a fuck, but it's still like not a conversation that I typically that I, you know want to particularly have.
Speaker 1:Does your aunt know that and maybe just didn't know because she?
Speaker 3:uh, she actually told me this past year that, um, you know, because she retired like a few years ago, but then she was like still doing like our family's taxes and everything. But then, um, she was like, yeah, this is probably like the last year that I'm going to do that. And then so I was like, okay, well, if I have to find my own accountant now anyway, um then maybe you know this opens up a door for me.
Speaker 3:But then, um, also in the past, like year, year and a half, um, you know, aside from kind of getting my shit together, um in terms of, uh, fitness and everything, and, you know, feeling confident about myself, you know I also have had a few um like not dating relationships, just like friend relationships that um helped me to feel, you know, more confident in myself and, um, you know, more open to the, the sexier side of myself, and you know I'd been thinking about it for years, um, and then so now that kind of all the confidence um pieces were coming together, I was like you know what, fuck it, let's just do it. So, like the one day, I just like sat down, pulled the trigger and I was like all right, there's no going back now, it's out there.
Speaker 1:Now, this is probably going to be explicit FYI. What does your content look like on your OnlyFans page and what is the other one? Just for fans, just for fans.
Speaker 2:Oh they're different. Yeah, oh, and what is the other one?
Speaker 3:Just for fans, just for fans. Oh, they're different. Yeah, oh, cool, yeah. So two different platforms, two different subscriptions? Yeah, because, like Just for Fans was like always around, but like a year or two ago, you remember when OnlyFans was like, oh, we're going to stop allowing adult content, like a lot of people. Oh, they did. Yeah, but then like everybody, since that was like 90% of their business and people were like what the fuck you know, they eventually, like reversed that potential move.
Speaker 1:Now adult content. Is that like intercourse? Yeah, okay, but you can still be nude on OnlyFans I don't think so. Oh what.
Speaker 3:I think that was like. I think any kind of like sexually explicit content was going to be potentially like, um, not allowed on, only fans and then no sense now, well, it was something like with the um with twitter.
Speaker 3:No, it was something with um, the credit card companies, um, like visa and mastercard, like, because ultimately, you know everybody, you would, you pay for your subscription through the credit card providers, and then Visa and MasterCard, they have their own sets of rules that merchants have to follow, and then so I think it was something like with that where, like a lot changed, or you know, like Visa and you know one or the two um were like oh yeah, we don't really approve of this anymore.
Speaker 3:Um, and then so only fans was like, okay, we're not gonna allow adult content. But then, um, yeah, everybody kind of revolted and then so they reversed that decision. But anyway, like during that time, um, just for fans kind of got a boost because everybody was like, oh shit, like let's, let's move over to, let's move over here, because they're still going to allow the content. And then so it's just kind of like now that both are allowing it, it's kind of just like a smart business move for people who are going into this stuff because, like now a lot of people got rid of their only fans um subscriptions and like switched over to just for fans.
Speaker 3:So now it's like, okay, all the people who are only on the one platform like you can still get them, and then, like, have the other people too.
Speaker 2:So, um, do you keep like both content on both systems or you try to change it?
Speaker 3:Um different, for for me it's like 90 ish the same okay only fans is still like a little bit prudish. Um so, like some stuff that can be considered a little bit more, um you know, fetishy or like hardcore ish, um they're not fisting yeah, like fisting piss.
Speaker 2:Play like that, you're like fisting I'm like what is the biggest fetish thing that I can think of?
Speaker 3:I mean feet is just so like 2008 yeah, um, and yeah, like even stuff like bondage and stuff like that. You know like only fans doesn't allow that kind of stuff, but like just for fans does, and then so, um, you know like there's some some things that, um, you know can only go on just for fans. Um, so, uh, I make sure that whenever I'm uh putting something out there that can only be shown on the one that you know, whenever I push it to like Twitter or like blue sky or whatever I'm like okay, you have to go here Like you're not going to see this if you only have my only right.
Speaker 1:Okay, and people have like, if they want to see your content, they have to have a subscription.
Speaker 3:Yeah, um, so just for fans. Um, they allow you to mark certain videos as like free content, so that you can kind of like, give previews lower them in be like oh, this is like kind of what you're gonna see if you subscribe to me, but then OnlyFans doesn't really allow that now what is your personality like on there?
Speaker 1:are you like really flirty or are you like macho?
Speaker 2:what is like your vibe?
Speaker 3:I wanna know this. So I'm kind of a little bit all over the place and probably more multiple personalities. I'm probably like a little bit more on the irreverent side like, especially like, that's a big word. So just like kind of silly oh, okay, good, I like silly. I mean, like whenever I'm advertising on like Twitter and like Blue Sky, I keep it a little bit, you know, flirty or like sexier and more like to the point, but then for the people who pay like on the fan pages.
Speaker 3:You know, I definitely get a little bit more like light-hearted let them see, a little bit more like personality and stuff now speaking of pay, like on average, like what are you bringing in and what are the percentages that they're taking?
Speaker 3:uh, so I think they take like 20 percent um of each like subscription so that's pretty standard when you think of an agency or even like a management company yeah, so like if you're, if you have your subscription set to 10 bucks, like they're taking two dollars like um and then. So you know like you're not losing like two too much. And you know some of the people who get bigger. You know like they do create like their own um, like websites, but they'll still keep, they'll still keep their um. You know fan pages, but it's mostly just for um other creators to be able to like tag them for. You know, like legal consent for the video and everything, yeah, um, but yeah, like to avoid, you know, even getting that two dollars taken out. You know some of the people who are a little bit bigger will have like their own website that you can like get stuff from, but you really get out like what you put into it to an extent, can you?
Speaker 2:quit your day job?
Speaker 3:No, not yet.
Speaker 2:Not yet. At least, that's the goal. That's the goal, right.
Speaker 3:I don't know, I don't think my brain is wired for like the hustle culture um, I like having a little bit.
Speaker 2:I like having a little bit of stability um, so, and then the pressure is off because then it becomes like not as much fun and passion project yeah, exactly.
Speaker 3:Oh my god, this is like over full time like yeah, over time yeah, and I like I do know people who have quit their day jobs. I was actually just talking to one of my friends who did so last night. Does he live in?
Speaker 2:Pittsburgh.
Speaker 3:No, no, he just moved to LA, so yeah. But he was like he was a few other places before, but he's never lived here, okay.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Like he just quit his day job, um, over the summer, um, and you know like I'm making decent money off of it, but I'm not, you know, like it's not anything that, like I said, I'm gonna be quitting my day job over, or you know, like it's not like or funding any like.
Speaker 1:Do you genuinely enjoy?
Speaker 2:you enjoy doing this yeah, it's definitely work um, but it's like very fun um and it's like fuck you money where you could like use this as like, hey, I'm gonna take a trip or I'm gonna buy a new car, like you know that gucci, whatever you know now where do you shoot your content.
Speaker 1:Is it like in your bedroom or like?
Speaker 2:yeah, um he's usually a nice flat I do I do lawrenceville okay, fancy alone, bougie.
Speaker 3:Yeah, so you just just me and the two cats, which I don't think I had them yet whenever you came over.
Speaker 2:But yeah, you got the cats oh, I have two cats also yeah, I just got them in September.
Speaker 3:What are their names Bosco and Cora.
Speaker 2:Bosco, that is cute. She's got Sabrina and Tabitha.
Speaker 1:Sure, he doesn't know any of my animals' names. I got Sabrina right. You did get Sabrina.
Speaker 3:Bosco and Cora, that's cute, but yeah, it's like mostly it's mostly at my apartment. But then you know like if I'm traveling, or you know like if there are people like in town that I want to film with like hotels, or you know like if I'm out of town.
Speaker 3:You know either like their place and like there are a few like studios out there that like they're more like kind of management agencies or like even just like a brand like, but like they'll sometimes like have facilities that you know, like, even if you're not like under that agency, right, um, and like doing a film for them, like you can still like rent out their space, yes, um, and like film stuff. So I've done like a few of those um. So yeah, it just like kind of varies, um.
Speaker 1:And then, yeah, there are like people on there you know like who will do like outdoors content too like, and then so you know, it's just like wherever you're at like just without a phone now, since you're a professional and maybe you're not comfortable sharing this information. But what? But? What is the prep work that goes into filming one of these videos?
Speaker 3:Well, so since gay, like, like, depending on what you're doing.
Speaker 1:You know there might be some back end prep that you need to do, which is typical for if you're going to be bottoming.
Speaker 3:But, um, you know like usually there's not like too too much, it just kind of. Other than that, um, you know, other than maybe set up some tripods and like a ring light or something, uh, depending where you're at um, and then making sure that anything like embarrassing in your room, like, or, you know, like a family picture or something, is not in there like um but you know, it's generally like pretty, pretty straightforward.
Speaker 3:I have met um a few people that I filmed with, where you know like they were like super, super, fucking particular about it and like you know, the first like half an hour 40 minutes that I was with them, they were like okay, like let's move the camera an inch, like this way, and like let's play with this light, and like, oh, like, and I'm just like, oh, my god, are we gonna like get it done?
Speaker 2:are we gonna get?
Speaker 3:to fucking at some point here, like what the hell?
Speaker 2:I'm wasting my time, yeah um, but yeah, it's usually.
Speaker 3:It's generally pretty, pretty chill. It's just like point and shoot, I mean that makes sense.
Speaker 1:Are there ever like bloopers that you have to like, take out or Sometimes, yeah, do you edit your own footage.
Speaker 3:Usually, yeah, some people are very particular about editing because like, especially like some of the bigger people, because they have like a more curated image and like sometimes, they have like logos or like other branding that they want to like throw on like the beginning and whatever um, and you know like usually pretty people are pretty chill about um being like oh, hey, uh, you know. If you want to edit your own version of this and put it out like, yeah, you know, that's fine, but I'm like I don't like having um multiple versions of videos like floating out there.
Speaker 3:So, um, you know, typically if they're very particular about wanting to edit it, I'll be like, okay, well, here's when I need it. By like get it get it to be by then. But you know like I don't do anything too fancy with my, my editing, I'm just like okay, like let's just cut some shit together, like just cut the good parts together and then you know like put it out and I mean like so far it works.
Speaker 3:But yeah, usually, you know, it's just like some of those longer like transitions, um, between like positions, where we're like trying to figure out, okay, like what's the best angle for like this position. You know like I'll just cut out that little like two minutes of setup time in there and then I'll, um, you know like just move to the next scene. So it's not usually like too extensive, but editing, I would definitely say, is my least favorite part of it, I know it's time consuming.
Speaker 2:I met this one creator and he was like I simply do it just to like get girls, like. He was like a straight, like only fans talented guy and he was just like I just do it to find girls and, like you know, link up and I'm like, is that like part of it for some people like to like just get guys or girls like get like meaning like get laid uh, I mean getting laid in the gay world is very very easy, yeah, you just go, grinder, grinders whatever the fuck you want.
Speaker 3:Like there's, there's multiple, multiple apps for the gay gay world to, you know, get some dick. However, I will say that you know, like, in terms of my sexual bucket list of you know, like people that I've, you know, seen, like you know that I've like jerked off to on my own and I'm just like, oh my God, that guy's so hot, like I would like love to fuck them.
Speaker 1:But like you know like.
Speaker 3:I definitely scratched a few names off of there by doing this. So like that's been really fun Aspen, Solomon, what was that? As that's been really fun Aspen Solomon.
Speaker 2:What was that Aspen Solomon? I don't think so.
Speaker 1:Okay, is that the one you showed me? Yes, yeah, he's cute yeah.
Speaker 2:I'm going to. I think I've heard the name, but I have to like I'll have to look that up later.
Speaker 3:I can't forget that name. Aspen, yeah Right, but I mean, like they do, like this is like their only job and then so like they'll pretty much only like they don't really have like recreational sex, um, because like they're just, they're just constantly like filming, you know, like they'll have they'll be like traveling to like you, gotta have a knot ready yeah, exactly you
Speaker 2:can't be all dried up yeah, um, and so you know like they'll have guys like lined up, you know, a few times a week that they're gonna film with and you know like they pretty much, you know either only have sex on camera or like with their partners, if they have so, um, yeah, I do know people like that yeah, yeah, I will say like one of the best times I had was somebody that was traveling into town and they were staying downtown at the industrialist and just like linked up and I'm like I had no idea they were an only fans. Creator. And then after the fact I was like, oh, that's why you were so good in bed, or maybe it was just like you know the performance. And then I was like fuck, was I like recorded? I'm like that doesn't happen right?
Speaker 3:No, no, that's like. However, guys do like think that it does like constantly.
Speaker 2:Just because you're a creator.
Speaker 3:Yeah, because I mean, like on you know some of my like gay app profiles like Grindr and everything you know like grinder and everything you know like I I have, you know, like my twitter and stuff linked or like I have mentioned that you know, like I do like content, like if you want to film um but then you know like I never you know like lead with that, because you know like it is something with like consent, like yeah, you have to.
Speaker 3:You can have people like fill out consent forms and whatnot, but it's like super annoying.
Speaker 3:And then you know, unless you have like everything down to a t, you know like you're still not like legally covered.
Speaker 3:So it's like just like a lot easier to film with people who actually have, yes, um, only fans are just for fans accounts because they've already gone through like the the verification steps like needed for like right, um, the legal side.
Speaker 3:So you can just like be like, oh, tag them and then you're good, um, but uh, but I do know some people that still like have other creators like fill out all the consent stuff and everything, um, but you know like, even though I have that information on my um, you know like, uh, grinder and whatnot, um, you know and don't like I'll be talking to people and I won't even mention like filming, but they'll be like, oh yeah, like you're like no filming or like you're not going to film me, right, and I'm just like we have like I never mentioned that, like we were like that there was going to be a camera of any sort here and then. But like people do get like very paranoid about it. And then you know like, and I can kind of get it, but at the same time you know like, unless I'm being like, oh yeah, like we should like film something, Then I don't see.
Speaker 3:I don't personally see why there's the paranoia. But you know, Do people like want to?
Speaker 2:film and like, have a mask on or like a face mask, like is that even a thing?
Speaker 3:Sometimes, like there are guys that you know like are like my regulars, that I like hook up with who don't? Film, um, but like we have like film stuff together, um, you know, just like to have for fun, um, and some of them have been like, oh yeah, like you can, you can post that, just like, blur out my face and then, so you know, like I've done that before, um, so you know.
Speaker 3:I've done that and like had them like fill out some consent stuff, um, and then posted it, and so you know like there are situations like that.
Speaker 1:But yeah, now you're really like putting yourself out there. Have you ever had like a stalker or like a creeper that wouldn't leave you alone? Uh?
Speaker 3:knock on wood. Uh, not anything like too bad. Yet there was this one guy, though, over the summer, um, where, like he had basically followed my Twitter and everything, um, from the beginning he didn't have like any pictures or anything like on his profile, like, uh, on his Twitter profile, but, um, like he was leaving comments that made it seem like he might like know me. And then so, like the one day, like I, I messaged him and I was like, hey, do we know each other like in in real life or something? Um, because, like, his name was something like pittsburgh related, um, so black and yellow.
Speaker 2:Yes, it was, was kal shit, I knew he might have been fluid.
Speaker 3:Yes, but he was like no, we don't know each other and everything. And I was like, hmm, okay. And then flash forward a few months later and I had like posted this video on Twitter of me like working from home and you know I, I like jerked off onto my keyboard and then um, and he had like commented on it and tagged the company I was working for at the time and he was like he's like so-and-so, get this guy a new, a new keyboard.
Speaker 3:He's like so-and-so, get this guy a new keyboard. And I didn't catch it until, I think, two hours-ish later and luckily he had commented that two days after I had stopped working for that company and then, so luckily there was nothing that was going to happen there. But then I still took that down and then I took his comment down.
Speaker 1:How would he even know?
Speaker 3:Yeah. And then I like messaged him again. I was like I thought you didn't know me A, and like B, like what the fuck made you think that was okay? Like, because this is so. He clearly knew you. Yeah, like he, even if he didn't know me. Back, whenever I asked him, he somehow found out. But I was like what on earth made you think that was okay?
Speaker 3:And then he read it he was trying to be shitty, yeah, he read it. And then, because I got the red receipt on Twitter that he had seen it, and then I waited an hour or two to see if he had anything to say, and he didn't, and I was like, all right, you're just a piece of shit. So I blocked him.
Speaker 1:Now I'm a little caught up on the keyboard thing though. Like, did you mean to jerk off on your keyboard? Oh yeah, okay, but like that's hard to clean up.
Speaker 3:It was my personal one and it was only like a $20 keyboard that like barely worked anyway. So I was like I don't give a fuck.
Speaker 1:Good content. That's like some like shock value.
Speaker 2:I love it.
Speaker 3:Clean that up. Yeah, just like. Oh, I'm working from home and I got horny Like let's get, let's go that is great.
Speaker 2:Hey, do anything for clout.
Speaker 3:Yeah, exactly, I think I even had like an unzipped button down or like an unbuttoned like button down shirt on too and then so it was like it was a good one.
Speaker 1:Wow, you are a little creative creator, that's not far-fetched, though, like people like that are working from home. They just like don't even wear pants to meetings I know like it's so crazy.
Speaker 2:Now we did want to do only fans individually yeah, you guys had thought about it. You know like what are what are your thoughts on things? Not together, almost like a fun flirty, like drink making type thing, and like just like naked aprons, you know, and like just being like goofy and stuff. But then I talked to one of these film guy like for only fans, specific. They're like we don't really think sexy and goofy go together and and we're like fuck you, dude, like that's like what we want, that's our like MO.
Speaker 2:But that being said, like I get it, like he is trying to materialize his time, so he's not going to waste time if he doesn't think that it's going to be profitable.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that's the thing is like your brand could be like anything that you want it to be. If you know your base and that's something that they would want, fuck him. He knows what his base wants and they want to. They want to see him like, like, then you know that works for him.
Speaker 3:But I mean, like if your people want to see you guys like goofy and scantily clad, making mocktails, like you know, like that's what your base wants, you know it's in. Your base wants, you know, mocks and cocks, yeah, exactly well, love it, dominic.
Speaker 2:Thank you so much for sharing all that with us we really appreciate it. If you want to see dominic, you can follow dominic on twitter slash x.
Speaker 3:I don't like to give elon clout uh, so I still call it twitter uh I forget that it's called X now Twitter, blue Sky, onlyfans, justforfans and Tumblr, which I don't really like to use too much. On all five of those as DomTheSubXXX. Dom, the Sub, I think we can remember that on Instagram I'm DomTheSubOfficial, because Instagram you have to be a little bit more innocent.
Speaker 2:Yes, you do. Well, thank you for listening to Mocktails or Messy. Thank you, Dominic, for coming into the fucking studio.
Speaker 3:Of course. Thanks for having me.
Speaker 2:High school memories right.
Speaker 3:First month on my fan pages, only fans, just for fans, only five bucks.
Speaker 1:So if you want to check it out? Get yourself a deal.
Speaker 2:Get a little sip of Dom the Sub for $4.99 a month.
Speaker 3:Only the one month.
Speaker 2:Just the first month.
Speaker 3:Thank you, I adore you. I adore you, I literally am sticky.