Mocktails Or Messy
Mocktails Or Messy
#45: Blake Lively's Set Struggles & Ryan's Sobriety Milestone
Why would someone as powerful as Blake Lively tolerate unprofessional behavior on set? Join us as we tackle this question and many others in a rollercoaster episode filled with candid conversations and surprising twists. We celebrate our dear friend Ryan's incredible milestone—one year of sobriety—with laughter and a quest for the perfect non-alcoholic red wine. Just as the toasts and tales of triumph flow, an unexpected visit from Ryan's ex, Stephanie, spices up our celebration in ways we never anticipated.
The drama doesn't stop there. We confront pressing issues in Hollywood, discussing troubling allegations surrounding Justin Baldoni's behavior towards Blake Lively. Amidst this serious discourse, we touch upon the broader implications of power dynamics and unprofessionalism in the industry, drawing parallels with other high-profile relationships like Beyoncé and Jay-Z. Our reflections become personal as we share experiences with verbal abuse, highlighting the courage needed to navigate these challenging waters.
Nostalgia takes center stage as we reminisce about reconnecting with old friends and the impact of simple gestures like sharing forgotten photos. We explore how personal choices, like cutting out caffeine, can significantly affect well-being, drawing inspiration from pop culture figures and songs that resonate with our journeys. As we wrap up, we embrace the theme of personal growth, discussing topics from sauna benefits to navigating life changes. With heartfelt gratitude, we thank our listeners—or as we affectionately call them, our mocktailers and cocktailers—for their unwavering support and wish everyone a happy and fulfilling new year.
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Hi there, this is Kelly.
Speaker 2:Mazgorski and Ryan Frankofsky.
Speaker 1:Welcome to Mocktails are Messy. We're so excited to have you here. Today is a really special day. I'm going to let you make the announcement because it's your milestone.
Speaker 2:Well, I kind of forgot about it, and then you just reminded me. And then, january 3rd, it's been a year of 100 hundred percent sober. I'm a hundred percent sober one year, holy shit. Oh my god, you are so sweet. You did not have to do that, I know you love lemon so I had to sobriety to you.
Speaker 1:Happy sobriety to you. Happy sobriety, dear Ryan. Happy sobriety to you.
Speaker 2:What the fuck. You have a voice. I'm so proud of you. Oh my God, thank you so much. This is so not necessary, but yet so necessary because it has been a journey.
Speaker 1:Yes, just don't catch that microphone on fire. You're scaring me.
Speaker 2:Oh my God, it has literally been one whole fucking year. This is crazy. Like I, it does not feel like it's been a year. I'm so happy. Thank you for making me feel I am like heard, I'm seen, I'm okay. So let's blow this fucker out. I love you. Thank you so to celebrate we have lemon your favorite, I've got um a nature organic.
Speaker 1:This wine does have alcohol in it, but you've got your alcohol-free cabernet sauvignon yes, I do.
Speaker 2:It is a premium red new zealand de-alcoholized. So you can't really say non-alcohol. I guess it's de-alcoholized because you know wine is have that alcohol you need help. Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah and I'll get you to twist that off. That's easier for you, right.
Speaker 1:When I was a waitress, I was always so embarrassed when someone ordered a bottle of wine. Sometimes I'd have another waitress open it for my table, because I would always fuck it up.
Speaker 2:I just couldn't do it, dude you look so fucking fly, dude, cheetah, cheetah, dude, cheetah, cheetah. Yeah, this is not my shirt. This is like a little hand-me-down from your husband.
Speaker 1:They sure close. Yes, yes, same weight, same size.
Speaker 2:Ryan's are the same. We're all the same, like we were the other night.
Speaker 1:My Ryan's. So over the holidays holidays, I was at a holiday party with my family and some of my me I did. Yeah, oh my god, you're so some of my cousins were like um, are your ryan's coming? Like you're, I think people might think we're a throuple I think we might be one day yeah, well, probably not, um, if it's up to my husband.
Speaker 2:But I know I'm like you know what let them think it. If they think that, then they're definitely jealous it's just like we said before they're just not that fucked up yeah, most ryan's are not that fucked up.
Speaker 2:Um, definitely it's a thing yes uh cheers hon cheers to one year sober. I cannot believe it. It has literally been the longest fucking year. But then also, like the blip of an eye, I was like it's been a year since I've been back and then even a year, a year and a half for you, since you've been back and it's been a year since we started.
Speaker 1:It's a year since we've started in pittsburgh, so yes this is a really special episode to us Time of the year this episode is definitely brought to you by sobriety.
Speaker 2:It is brought to you by ginseng. You know what?
Speaker 1:This is something we got to learn Ginseng.
Speaker 2:I don't know Ginseng, it's a de-alcoholized New Zealand premium red. It doesn't even have like Cabernet or Marlotte or you know any of that, so it's just a premium red. It tastes really good. Do you want to try a little bit?
Speaker 1:No, thank you. I will try it later, because it is hard to do a good de-alcoholized red. With the whites it's super easy. What do you think of this one? What?
Speaker 2:do you rate this one out of ten? I want to say a six and a half out of ten because I do like it.
Speaker 1:I feel like that's the best.
Speaker 2:I feel like that's good, though that's probably like a ten for that type of. Yeah.
Speaker 1:Because the red, I'm telling you, they just can't recreate it. They can't so if you have any suggestions, please? Yeah, please, link below, comment below, because we want to try them.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:We want to try these de-alkalized reds de-alcohol lot.
Speaker 2:I can never say it, remember, I know it's okay, we'll just go with it, is it good? You gotta try it. Well, you're gonna. It's okay, no, I'm good, yeah, I don't want it all over my lips it's so fucking good you hadn't heard about this yet, about blake lively and the lawsuit, so well, like it came up on, like the feed and the radar, but what exactly happened?
Speaker 1:Yeah, so she has filed a legal complaint against her. It ends with us director and co-star Justin Baldoni. She's alleging that he repeatedly sexually harassed her. Hey, everyone Just stopping by to say hi.
Speaker 2:I'm fucking kidding hi.
Speaker 1:Ryan, who is this?
Speaker 2:that's my ex oh, okay what's going on I?
Speaker 1:just came by to bring some snacks, but maybe I shouldn't be here. Um, I'm gonna have to. We're in the middle of something important, so I'm gonna have to are you fucking kidding me?
Speaker 2:that is okay. No, fucking joke. Like that's my ex. What the fuck was that?
Speaker 1:that's my ex stephanie. How did she find you here? Okay, he just left, so anyways, I'll just keep going without him then I don't know if he's like trying to go find her. Oh, is she gone, stephanie? How do you know her? The one that keyed your car? Yes, I thought she looked familiar. She still had that same like crazy voice I mean, this is just full circle, guys.
Speaker 2:Like literally I haven't seen her in probably two years, but she's been dming and I know she.
Speaker 1:We always tag the studio, so I guess that was a mistake. I'm a little bit shaken up about that because like that's a little creepy anyways, this is something that we talked about before.
Speaker 2:I don't remember so you know what. She must have fucking watched it and she was pissed because we talked about. This is like something that we recently talked about, she didn't sound too pissed to me.
Speaker 1:It sounded like she wanted to see you. Yeah, she wanted a moment.
Speaker 2:And the funny thing is we, I don't. I guess the thing is like you put like the thing on my car, like the label oh shit, the mocktails are messy magnet.
Speaker 1:Oh my God, yeah, so it's just too easy to know.
Speaker 2:I don't even want to go out there.
Speaker 1:No, I think, maria, I think I heard Maria telling her to that she had to leave Cause there's people. This studio it has like a workstation too, so there's people out there trying to work.
Speaker 2:So she can't just hang out back there like I think they probably had no idea what was going on and just didn't. There's no security here, so I don't think there was time to stop her. I'm still processing. I was literally like are we getting kicked out? And then it was like I don't even recognize her because she was bringing snacks anyways, where were we about blake lot, oh wow yeah, perfect verbal abuse not even, not even fuck.
Speaker 2:That wasn't a verbal. That was a verbal abusive relationship and it could have been physical, because she fucking keyed my car back in 2014. Yeah, okay, so we were talking about blake lively suing the director of it ends with us justin baldoni. It was her co-star, which is crazy because she has more money than him and like she's gonna fucking like dry him up from this I based on the allegations.
Speaker 1:I kind of hope she does. So I want to preface by saying that, blake, she faced a lot of accusations for not promoting awareness to domestic violence after the movie ends with us, but the dark truth is that she was actually experiencing sexual harassment on set and nobody knew this was going on until she has now filed the lawsuit.
Speaker 1:so um wonder how ryan reynolds feels about all oh, he's been in on, like some of the meetings, and he's very supportive. He's even had talks with justin baldoni. So, um, you know the lawyers. They did obtain like messages via a subpoena Subpoena.
Speaker 2:That's it. You got it Subpoena.
Speaker 1:That's a legal document. You know that someone has to produce you know, documents or evidence of court. So that's how they got the subpoena. Baldoni has been dropped by his talent agency, so this is very wow.
Speaker 2:He's really fucked, and so I wonder if they're gonna even watch the movie.
Speaker 1:Well, technically it showcases him as the violent one so let me tell you some of the things that he has allegedly done. And I'm sorry, I mean I. I don't think that blake lively is like lying or making any of this up.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we just all, so I hate I don't even want to say allegedly she's best friends with taylor swift. Yeah, she's solid, just like solid.
Speaker 1:She's a solid girl right and anyways. So he insisted, baldoni. He insisted on adding sex scenes and like in the final scenes, like she was giving birth. He wanted her to be like naked for that. He said it's not normal for women to like stay in their gowns at the hospital while they're giving birth. I stayed in my gown. It's totally normal. But whatever Creepy he reportedly like improvised.
Speaker 2:That's weird.
Speaker 1:He improvised, like during the scenes, so like for the makeout scenes. He started like biting her lip and like sucking on it a little too much, like something they didn't really rehearse prior to rehearsal and just disregarding like professional protocols Right, much like something they didn't really rehearse prior to rehearsal and just disregarding like professional protocols, right and um. So you know, blake. She demands to create a more comfortable work environment. She calls a meeting. She wanted him to stop discussing nudity. He apparently had an addiction to pornography, so he would like show her pictures of like naked women and stuff.
Speaker 2:Wow, this guy has really got a lot of issues he kept discussing her weight.
Speaker 1:He mentioned he asked her how much she weighed because he didn't want to hurt his back when he had to, like, pick her up and stuff. And he just continued to discuss her weight and talk about her late father. Like why are you mentioning that? Her father that passed away? You know he's just trying to hurt her at this point.
Speaker 2:So the producers, she she wanted to like figure this out right, she's professional, but there was just nothing she could do.
Speaker 1:I mean even the producer, um jamie heath. He entered her trailer while she was getting her makeup off. She was undressed, um and um dave walked in on her when she was breastfeeding her child Baldoni, made the cast and the crew wait for hours while he cried in her dressing room because she didn't look hot enough. There were apparently some negative social media comments about her appearance after giving birth and he was literally crying on the floor for hours because he didn't think she looked hot enough.
Speaker 2:Just see this all seems a little bit like one sided here. Like do we know what his side of the story is? You know how there's always three sides to a story. I am not supporting this guy, I'm just saying devil's advocate, because what you're telling me is like he did all these horrible things and I feel like somebody of power like blake, who is a successful actress and has like a backing of a billionaire husband, ryan reynolds. Why would she put up with this shit?
Speaker 2:well, did, is she that serious about her like reputation to get the movie done. I mean in some ways like that's kind of what you do.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean I think she was that serious. I mean he was definitely like sending out there's from the subpoena. We have text messages now that he was sending. He was trying to push things out to like Instagram and twitter and all sorts of things to just make her look bad. So he, I think he is a nut at the end of the day, I think he's a nut, oh god, I mean what a sad reality that we live in.
Speaker 2:That's why everybody thinks hollywood's so fucked up hollywood is fucked up.
Speaker 1:I mean, a few months ago we were talking about, you know, p diddy, and now, apparently, beyonce is leaving um jay-z no yeah, apparently oh, she's not she's not want to be tied to this crap oh fuck.
Speaker 2:And she read she was like a ride or die yeah wifey. Oh yeah, even though he was like hanging out with beck Becky with the good hair.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she forgave him one too many times. Yeah, I don't know, that's just like that, doesn't? This whole thing with this movie and with Blake and Justin is just crazy.
Speaker 2:What did you think of the movie Knowing what you Know Now, did it feel I?
Speaker 1:need to rewatch it. It did feel. I felt her fear in the movie.
Speaker 2:I thought it was her acting might have been real it might have been real a combo yeah, yeah, it kind of sometimes bleeds together and you know what, when you are a method actor or actress, you know that isn't as crazy as you would think for you to like go through this. And then isn't about me. This is about blake and this is more about women that have gone through this. But I think what went through my head at the end of the movie, I was like flashing through this one relationship that I had and I was verbally abused. Now, whether I could handle it or not, it's not physical, it didn't really like rattle me up, but I did.
Speaker 2:After I left that relationship, I did have this like it was like an after effect, feeling like, oh my God, if anybody yelled or if anybody screamed, it would like startle me more than distress. Yes, like it was like PTSD, because I was like, oh my God, like I was starting and I actually had to like get into anger management because I was starting to act angry. And you know me. I mean, am I an angry person? No, so I don't blame anyone, the person per se, I blame myself. I mean, they fucked up, they gave me that. Yeah, what is it?
Speaker 1:it was just a little bit of pie on your, a little cream pie.
Speaker 2:You got the cream pie off. Yeah, anyways, I mean, have you ever like? Just to sum, sum it up, like I felt like that film it ends with us? I felt like connected to the character blake yeah, I don't remember what her name was emily was her name emily? No, no, it wasn't so. No, that was in the other movie simple favor.
Speaker 1:We sound just dumb now, yeah, we do.
Speaker 2:Anyways, blake lively in that movie. It ends with us I felt it. Even that was physical violence. I I was like living like, oh, they're not verbally abusing me, oh no, it's just in my head. Or oh no, no, no, they, they love me. They like would love bomb you. And then it was just like OK, get back to like, just like you know, being in the same relationship and just going with the flow.
Speaker 1:Right, right, it's just yeah.
Speaker 2:Have you ever struggled with that?
Speaker 1:Not in a relationship, I've never been abused mentally or physically in a relationship, thank god.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but not a, not a, um, you know, romantic relationship yeah, I definitely have been in my life by other people, right, right haters gonna hate. Hate, haters gonna hate I mean, I remember asking you if you guys ever had any enemies and I was shocked Like this is the first year that I've ever had like an enemy.
Speaker 1:And I was like oh yeah.
Speaker 2:But you were like, hey, it's a common.
Speaker 1:It's tough coming back to this, to the, to Pittsburgh.
Speaker 2:I know Doing what we love.
Speaker 1:I feel like I always have at least one enemy. It doesn't matter where I live, where I move to, I always have one.
Speaker 2:What is it Like? I just can't imagine you having an enemy.
Speaker 1:Like, do you really rattle somebody up? I think some people just can't fucking stand me, and that's fine, lucky for them. I can't stand them either, so it's a true enemy.
Speaker 2:That was so good. Cheers to people not fucking standing us.
Speaker 1:Yeah Right Haters gotta hate, hate, hate. We don't care. Yeah, how are we doing with seasonal depression? We're in the thick of winter now. Like how are we feeling?
Speaker 2:I'm feeling a hell of a lot better after I got through this hump of like a yearety and then also like buying a new car and, like you know, just getting like my footing with work. But, that being said, like you know, saw me like I was at the fucking uh Omni William Penn hotel, like having a breakdown with you.
Speaker 1:Dude, I'm up and down too. I mean, I feel like you know, everyone's taking their lights down now from the holidays. We kind of decorate with the lights to lift up our spirits. While the other animals are hibernating, we're putting up lights to feel better, but I kind of just want to hibernate now. I do too, and some days are better than others, and that's what I miss about summer or living in when you know, living in California or Florida where it's like, consistently good, like warm weather.
Speaker 1:Even Mississippi. Yeah, I mean, but that wasn't fun. You know when you could get out and like put your shorts on, like feel the vitamin D, go on a walk. You're not like freezing your ass off Like I. Just that's what I need right now.
Speaker 2:I know, I know I feel you because I think in some ways like that's why people take these little like snowbird vacations. I am happy and excited to get to Mexico. I'm going to be doing a project there.
Speaker 1:I'm so jealous, I know, can you come with me? You're supposed to take me with you on your co-host.
Speaker 2:I invited you, but you're like I have children. I got to take care of some babies.
Speaker 1:We already have a trip planned for later this month. Yes, yes I think it's going to happen, but I think that I've have some reservations now.
Speaker 2:About the drones.
Speaker 1:About the drones. So we have a trip for New York.
Speaker 2:City planned. We were going to redo our um cover photo that we haven't done, since we were like 20 20 years old.
Speaker 1:We were 20, holy shit um, and we wanted to redo it and we wanted to maybe meet up with people in new york city and do some interviews there yes but I'm just having some reservations now about whether or not this is the right time to do that because of the drones. So what would you do? Would you go still, or would you maybe just wait it out until this drone stuff is? Hopefully?
Speaker 2:over. We want to know what you guys think.
Speaker 1:What would you guys?
Speaker 2:do. Is it a good idea to be traveling to New York City? All the New Yorkers that have been listening and following with us, what are your thoughts? I mean, I don't even know. Is it just New Yorkers that have been listening and following with us? Like, what are your thoughts? I mean, I don't even know. Is it just New York? It's getting into Pennsylvania.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think it's been in Philly, like Maryland, New Jersey.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I heard there were sightings in like California too, which is confusing. So it's like the coasts.
Speaker 2:I think we're just going to have to bring it.
Speaker 1:I think we're just gonna have a little scary.
Speaker 2:I think we got. I mean, hey, listen, you know, work doesn't sleep I know that's what I'm.
Speaker 1:I'm like, hey, I mean even. I think when covid happened, everybody kind of like put a pause on their life and yes it's like do I want to like put a pause on my life? Not really, but then at the same time it's like maybe I should be overly cautious because I have kids. I know, and God forbid we go there at the wrong time and something awful happens.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we just don't know what this is.
Speaker 1:We don't know what's going on.
Speaker 2:Well, you've always been a little bit more, I guess, cautious. In general, I've always been a little bit more of a rebel, which I don't think has always worked out.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, being a guy, I've always been a little bit more of a rebel, which I don't think is always.
Speaker 2:well, you're a bull, you just charge forward yes, women are a little bit more cautious typically.
Speaker 1:I know like last week we were looking at like old pictures together and I kind of felt like a little emotional and I want to know what you felt like. The nostalgia of looking at old pictures with old friends kind of almost brought like tears to my eyes and it's like I want to reconnect with some old friends but then I hesitate to reach out because it's been so long and it might be like awkward now you know what?
Speaker 1:what do you? How do you feel about that, like with our old friends from like I don't know, high school we were looking at old pictures and even college, like do you reach out or do you just kind of let it, let the past be the past?
Speaker 2:you know what I always took your advice shoot your shot yeah, I'm in the moment, I'm literally like I'm just shooting my shot.
Speaker 2:Like I saw this sign today and it said f and m and you know I was franco and the last relationship like couple relationships ago was m and so I just saw this like logo f and m and I was like I used to like see an album f and m. So then I just took the picture and I sent it and that x. I'm sure they're probably gonna be like what the fuck is this?
Speaker 1:you really did, I did, I did.
Speaker 2:Oh my god, I mean, it's a little embarrassing, but I think of you all the time.
Speaker 2:I want to do something like shoot your shot like I even sent like something like some old thing like what you're talking about, like it was like a 16th birthday card from my girl, emmy, and she was at uh, swickly quaker valley and I just sent it to her on dm. I don't even have her number anymore. I just slid into her dms again and she was at uh, swickly quaker valley and I just sent it to her on dm. I don't even have her number anymore. I just slid into her dms again and she was like, oh my god, that was such a fun time of our life and it's like that was 16.
Speaker 2:Wow, weird time ago. I know we're getting old girl, you're shocked you've kind of given up um caffeine for the new year yeah, it's weird like I feel like I'm getting a lot more sleep, but then I'm also kind of like a little bit more energized.
Speaker 1:I think caffeine, like, would put those peaks and valleys yeah, it's almost like you the first cup, you get a little energy, and then, like the second cup, you get like a lot of energy and then, maybe, like the third cup, you start like actually getting tired exactly like it doesn't help like water is more energizing it seriously reminds me of this one song by stacy orico.
Speaker 1:It's called there's gotta be like. There's gotta be more to life than like chasing these like temporary highs and I feel like for me, like with caffeine, and it can even be like alcohol or just anything working out you're just overdoing it. You're chasing this high, it's this temporary high and it's like there's gotta be more.
Speaker 2:That like can satisfy me than like this extra cup of coffee like even like sex and like you know it's like everything right so like, everything like is so addictive that you know, peace is something that I am really striving for for 2025. I really don't care about anything or anyone. I mean, work is always going to be a little bit stressful, but that's, that's giving me.
Speaker 1:Like you know, that's paying my bills and everything but you're really finding your bearings now Because I know anytime you start a new job, it almost takes like three to six months to really get into the groove. You're there now, but now you have more on your plate because you're growing. So how are you handling it all?
Speaker 2:You know what I think? It's meditation, the sauna and working out the sauna.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes, yes, major health benefits to the sauna it increases my mood better than any glass of wine could.
Speaker 2:Right Sauna.
Speaker 1:It sweats out the toxins.
Speaker 2:You feel so clear?
Speaker 1:You got to go in for 15 to 20 minutes.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I've always done a solid 25.
Speaker 1:Yeah, 25 is fine. Let to 20 minutes. Yeah, I've always done a solid 25. Yeah, 25 is fine, let it warm up.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you know, and I do think that, like the cardiovascular health that decreases like immortality, like by 50% it does. I mean it is just so many benefits that like if you're not using a sauna or if you do have access, to a sauna.
Speaker 1:Try to hit it at least three times a week. Yeah, a sauna. Or, if you do have access to a sauna, at least three times a week, yeah, yep. Monday, wednesday, friday. I feel it in my body like. I feel like you use it at la fitness. I do, I go and I I sometimes would get like heart palpitations, but ever since I've started using the sauna, I have not had one single heart palpitation well, it increases your cardiovascular. It's amazing.
Speaker 2:Your heart is pumping a little bit more because it's in stress mode.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Because the heat.
Speaker 1:But it's like this euphoric feeling. I love it Sauna for life.
Speaker 2:We all need a sauna right. This is something that I also want to bring to people's light. When I came back to Pittsburgh, this is something that I wasn't open about.
Speaker 2:I moved in with my parents. I live with my brother and his wife, and then I moved in with my parents and you know, like I had my grandma's PT cruiser. It was really hard adjustment at 33. And so somebody brought this to my attention. Like we talk about all the good rainbows and fairy tales of, like you know, doing the podcast, there is a lot of stress and work that goes into this and, like you yourself, like you're running around crazy trying to figure out how to be a mother of two, you know funds go up and down and it's like you want to move in, like you know I want to buy a car, and like living with my parents is not easy at this age, and like even you yourself, like your house is, like you know the walls are starting to come in, like close in, like you need more space. So it's like everything that happened last year. We are so grateful and we want to be more open about not just the glamorous side of the equation but also the hard parts I okay.
Speaker 1:So I I'm really glad that you are being so open about this.
Speaker 2:I want to say.
Speaker 1:It resonates with me, though, because I, you're, you're taught, you were embarrassed to talk about it in the. Moment but it's in the past now, so you're like whatever I'm doing better now, so now it's easy to say but I'm glad that you're bringing it up, because people need to know that, like it's not just sunshine and rainbows for you. You make it look that way, but it's not that way.
Speaker 2:I was embarrassed to live with my parents. And I was also embarrassed to like be at that point in my life that I was like.
Speaker 1:You owned that PT cruiser, though I point in my life that I was like you owned that put cruiser, though like you fucking owned it, you could have been, like you know, embarrassed and like hiding and stuff, but you just like didn't care like you acted like you didn't care, and you know what I did act like that, and you know why?
Speaker 2:because I was so grateful to have a car from grandma and it was not only the connection between my like spirit animal, grandma Nancy. God bless her, rest her soul. I know. God bless her. Rest her soul. I love her, you loved her, I loved her. But I was also like you know what, like I need to grow the fuck up, like I can't just be getting handouts. Like my whole entire life has kind of revolved around like connecting myself with the right people, dating the right people to really leverage me up, to be able to like sustain this like glamorous luxury lifestyle in New York, but then I have like not as much savings. Yeah, I have no vehicle. I have no like real like like I have experiences.
Speaker 1:That's it Clear, though You're kind of making yourself sound bad. You were working your ass off, though. You just couldn't date someone who I don't know was less successful than you, or you'd be on the struggle bus, I know. So I just want to that's just what I see as your friend. You're kind of making yourself sound like oh, I'm like looking around to date people with like money.
Speaker 2:Well, I don't like that about myself. I think there is this part of me that, like I don't want to date another creative or I don't want I'm not really like interested in that not compatible. Yeah, it's just not compatible like I need that person that's a little bit more stable and corporate right, or I just need myself. And I said to myself like kim kardashian said is this embarrassing to like?
Speaker 1:compare quotes I love Kim.
Speaker 2:She said I want to be single for two years. Well, guess what? December 20th was year one and I'm ready for year two.
Speaker 1:I want to stay single.
Speaker 2:I love that I don't want to be committed to anybody but me.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I think, like I definitely am nervous about when you do start dating again, because you did mention that you would love to date women again, when you start and like I know any women that could be like dating a bi guy.
Speaker 2:Is it okay?
Speaker 1:well, am I. Are you gonna be okay with me because we're besties and I'm, lucky like my husband's, cool with it.
Speaker 2:He's also your bestie god so lucky.
Speaker 1:But for someone to come in that doesn't like that's not part of this little trio that we have going on. I know it's like if you're going to like, hate me. It's not going to work, honey. I know it's not going to work, my business partner.
Speaker 2:You have to love my business partner.
Speaker 1:Or not even love, because, like there's not any amount of love, men don't have a girl best friend.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's true, and like I'm, I'm lucky that, like I, am able to have a male best friend, like that's not really a normal thing. It's not as common it helps that he's bisexual right or even gay for all intents and purposes, my husband's like oh, he's gay, whatever I wouldn't be friends with you.
Speaker 1:I would not be friends with you if you were not at least bi. Yeah.
Speaker 2:But isn't it weird, though, like it should be acceptable, because people, I think what's another thing about me is not like anything to do with us being promiscuous, yeah, but I do notice that I saw this little short with James Franco. With James Franco, he was not able to remain faithful to any relationship because when he was drunk or high, he would always be promiscuous, always be inappropriate, always be like hooking up.
Speaker 2:And with me being sober, I feel like, so in control of like, okay, I am not going to be inappropriate with another person. So, that being said, said like I trust myself more now I know I love it.
Speaker 2:Sometimes I have like a glass too many and I like flirt a little bit with you and you're like you're like don't do that only because I love your husband just as much as I love you, I'll do it in front of him I know, I know, but I do really want to find the girl. I do want to Like. I don't know what it was.
Speaker 1:I had two relationships with guys Accepting applications here. Yes, yes, your contract won't start for another year, I know. Hey, you know what I'm in interviewing phases.
Speaker 2:And I am. You know, I am like I got a lot of red flags so like, by any means looking, you're not looking right now.
Speaker 1:That's why you need to drop your resume. Handle, you know, yeah instagram handle.
Speaker 2:That's better than a resume. You think I should change my default photo for my instagram because it's just like a shirtless photo with a rose. Is that like kind of old? It reminds me of the bachelor so I need to change it to like maybe the headshot for real estate.
Speaker 1:Or it's a pre-indication that you're going on the Bachelor? Oh, you should apply the bi bachelor. No, you should apply to be on it as one of the men.
Speaker 2:CBS is not that accepting.
Speaker 1:They're not that woke.
Speaker 2:No, they're just that bi, they're going to take it.
Speaker 1:You know, bi don't fucking resonate. Oh, my gosh. Oh, so I shouldn't say it, it will. There's been some bi people on there before.
Speaker 2:Well yeah, Colton Hardwood, oh Underwood.
Speaker 1:Hardwood. I know where your head's at. I literally knew that that was wrong with that?
Speaker 2:I'm like what is it? It's not Underwood, because that just sounds like he's Underwood, underwood, because that just sounds like he's Underwood, Conan Underwood. And so another thing I noticed too from him he is dating this older gentleman.
Speaker 1:Yes, he's married, maybe engaged. They adopted a baby or maybe.
Speaker 2:Very, very cute it could be biological to one of them.
Speaker 1:I don't know enough to speak on that. Very, very cute, it could be biological to one of them. I don't know enough to speak on that, very, very cute but. I notice.
Speaker 2:I want somebody that is like younger than me or my age. I dated older a couple times. I'm just like I, I like young energy. I'm kind of over it, like even though I have like old soul vibes with grammys and and Grandpaps you do, but I think I just like want the young one, like I want like a Gen Z-er.
Speaker 1:A young buck or a young Kitten?
Speaker 2:Kitten, like of course 25 and up.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah. Not like young like the frontal cortex, not like 18.
Speaker 2:Frontal cortex needs to be developed, yeah explain to me this frontal cortex that you brought up before. I'm going to say I don't think mine was fully developed until I was like 27.
Speaker 1:I truly think it's important, though, for that frontal cortex to be developed. Yeah, and I waited for mine to be developed before I had like children and stuff because I was batshit crazy. I know I was like a wild girl, we both were. Definitely Like I used to like at parties, like I just didn't care I know and you know what you have really so like.
Speaker 2:Why not like? I think in some ways, like I totally would too yeah, like if you got it flaunted was my like motto excited.
Speaker 1:There's so many good things to come.
Speaker 2:Guys, happy new year you guys are some of the best listeners. We call it our mocktailers and our Cocktailers. If it wasn't for you, we would not be able to do these things like share the journey of mocktails or Messy. This is Ryan Frankofsky and Kelly.
Speaker 1:Msgorski.
Speaker 2:Bye, bye, felicia.