Mocktails Or Messy

#4: Plant-Based Potions & Power of Astrological Awakening

Ryan Frankowski & Kelly Mizgorski Season 1 Episode 4

When life gives you mocktails, make a podcast episode that's as refreshing and invigorating as a gulp of the latest plant-infused concoction. Join friends Ryan Frankowski, Kelly Mizgorski and guest Russ Cersosimo Jr.  at Optimal Reach Media Studios for a spirited session where we spill the tea on plant-based indulgences like Feel Free, a trailblazing tincture of Kava and Kratom, and Hemp Synergistic's groundbreaking cannabis oil. We're not just mixing mocktails; we're stirring up a conversation on the future of consumer products and the burgeoning love affair between the cannabis industry and everyday goods.

Astrology skeptics, prepare to have your stars aligned as I recount my cosmic journey from doubting Thomas to bona fide believer, with Freddie Mercury's flamboyant spirit as my celestial guide. The universe has a sense of humor, and it's written in the stars—discover how Earth signs became the bedrock of my social circle, and the cosmic comedy of discovering I share more than just a birthday with Queen's legendary frontman. Our musical musings don't stop there; 'The Pyramid Incident' band's mystical encounter reveals how a simple shape can tune the strings of creativity, proving that sometimes, life's greatest symphonies begin with a single note—or pyramid.

Wrap up your auditory adventure with a walk down memory lane, where I trade magic tricks for sales pitches, and the raucous revelry of Bourbon Street for the introspective path of veganism and detox. From learning the art of persuasion from sales titans and a magician father to the transformative impact of a plant-based lifestyle, every anecdote is a stepping stone to understanding the power of personal change. Whether we're talking tuning into the right frequency for a killer pitch or syncing up with the rhythms of '90s and early 2000s tunes that shaped our very souls, this episode is a medley of laughter, wisdom, and the kind of heartfelt stories that resonate long after the final note fades.

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Speaker 1:

What's going on, guys? This is Ryan Frankovsky and you are listening to Mocktails or Messi with Feli Muzgorski and Ross Sersasimov. Check it out. We are in the Optimal Reach Media Studios. We are located in an undisclosed location. It might be on a golf course. When did you start Optimal Reach Media? I?

Speaker 2:

actually started Optimal Reach in 2014 for a reason it was because I was jumping into the cannabis industry and I needed something that I could do from home to generate cash. Optimal Reach was always something I did as a creative vent. On the back end we got some pretty cool customers.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for welcoming us in your studio.

Speaker 3:

Ross is a musician, an author, entrepreneur, astrologer Ross. What are we drinking today?

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's right, it is.

Speaker 3:

Mocktails and Messi so.

Speaker 2:

I want to surprise you guys. Have you seen this yet?

Speaker 1:

That's a tincture. This is called Feel Free.

Speaker 2:

This is Kava and Kratom.

Speaker 3:

I'm not sure, what that is.

Speaker 2:

Kava and Kratom. What my company does is we make technology to make it not taste as terrible, because this stuff is really bitter. But to give you an idea, if you were to walk into, like a vape shop right now or one of those type of companies or one of those retail outlets, this is going to be the number one selling product. Wow. And it's because it's given you that liquor type feeling. It's helping calm people down. They're getting a little more lubed up.

Speaker 1:

And they do that in a wider context. That's social lubricant.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So what I like to do is I take it and I use it as if it was liquor. Same measurements, usually about half. Now you're going to see it's very earthy Dang.

Speaker 1:

And that is the plant alchemy. Oh wow. So this is, feel Free, classic Plant-Based Herbal Supplement and we are dealing with. We got iron kava, keratin leaf Am I saying that right, keratin?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, keratin is like Kratom, Kratom.

Speaker 3:

I was like keratin is a treatment Keratin is a treatment I'm going to do it just in case, because I am nursing and I'm just not sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, I'm going to be careful because I don't have a baby. Yeah, yeah, there is no alcohol in here. There's no THC, it is just a bunch of plants.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh my God. Specifically, it is the alkaloids from the Kratom leaf out of Thailand, which is mitreginine is the name of the actual alkaloid, and it's in the plant at about 1%. It's extracted and put into that, which is why it tastes so strong, but they use it for pain, they use it for sleep, they use it for endurance Stamina. Wow, it depends on how much of it you ingest. Yeah, just a little bit, it'll help give you a little energy. If you do a lot, you can have energy for a prolonged time.

Speaker 1:

What is that? It's good for making love.

Speaker 2:

Oh, because you get desensitized. You can go for a long time. It lowers your blood pressure. It makes you strong like an ox. So it's kind of like an ED Yep, exactly, and if you eat a ton of it it will pull you to sleep. So I've had people that are in serious pain. They take opiates and they want to get off opiates. They start drinking this stuff and it works just the same.

Speaker 1:

Cheers. Oh damn, Don't get the stuff wet.

Speaker 3:

And we mixed with the immune refresher from 365.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I'm just doing this. There you go, you're doing a mocktail, mocktail.

Speaker 1:

She's not even going for the actual mocktail yes I know, super secret mocktail.

Speaker 2:

You even put fake alcohol in your fake alcohol drink.

Speaker 1:

You know, when I first started this podcast we were so new to like the mocktail wave like two years ago.

Speaker 2:

I think it's because A booze makes you stupid and eventually smart people will catch onto. It makes you stupid and I think they're okay with booze being peppered throughout society because I think they want us to be stupid. To be honest with you, I started getting into plants early because I saw that plants were displacing that need for that.

Speaker 3:

And that's where I look at was it depression?

Speaker 2:

Was there some underlying something happening in my body that I wanted that alcohol? And all of a sudden now it's like it's gone. So that's how I got into that. And from there then you know I got into cannabis. And then you start preaching from all plants. You preach all plants to the people. At that point, all roads lead to a mocktail.

Speaker 1:

Let's do it. However, I still want my messy friends to enjoy themselves. We still want to be hanging out with our friends and I think that in a lot of ways, like Kelly, definitely has a healthier relationship with her. Yeah, she's just.

Speaker 3:

I enjoy red wine. I'm I don't want to get shitfaced, I enjoy some red wine Very accomplished person. First, I want to ask you about your company, hemp synergistic.

Speaker 2:

So hemp synergistic is. We're basically a biotech company and I'll summarize what we do really quick. You have major problems in cannabis when it comes to putting it in consumer packaged goods, which is where it ends up, which is like all the medicine you're used to taking is in a consumer packaged good of some sort.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's standardized. It's the same every single time. It's that's what you're used to. Well, the cannabis synergistic has always been either smoke it, rub it on you, vape it, you know, or eat a gummy. Yeah, there's no standardization. This isn't in a powder form. It's not easy to measure. So what we do is we take this viscous oil that we've all seen in a vape pen and we micro-encapsulate it in a Helix structure polysaccharide, so we basically turn it into a powder, and what happens is now. This is neat science. If you were to take a gummy right now with 10 milligrams of CBD or THC and chew it up, your body goes. Second you start chewing, it goes. That's too many chemicals to be for me to just let it go.

Speaker 3:

Let me start to fire out enzymes to potentially save my organs.

Speaker 2:

So you start sending out P450 enzymes to destroy the cannabinoids on the way down and whatever's left makes it to your lower gut, which is where then your blood takes it and goes up. So when we eat a 10 milligram gummy, the body destroys 96% of the cannabinoids. So you're only getting half a milligram from 10. My company? Because we micro-encapsulate it, we confuse the body into thinking that it's eating a potato. So what happens is it goes down and the body's like oh, potato, I'm not going to fire off these enzymes because potato is safe. Then, when it gets down to the lower gut, amylase and natural enzyme opens it up and, like a Trojan horse haha, I'll come to cannabinoids and then bloodstream. So we're getting a lot more into it. So we make advanced products in hemp and it's fun, I mean, we're around weed all day long.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I was going to say you definitely have inspired a lot of people to kind of dabble into the cannabis industry in United States, pennsylvania especially. Do you feel like there's a lot of barriers still to go through to legalize it?

Speaker 2:

Well, I think it's going to get legalized recreationally soon now, probably the next year, because all the states surrounding us are legal and we're losing medical revenue because of it. That's when the politicians all of a sudden care. Yes, I think that's coming as far as like where it is now versus when I started. When I started in 2014 in PA, the acceptance rate by the public was, I think, 18 to 22 percent and 23 percent.

Speaker 2:

And now it's 98 percent approval rating. So the only holdback is the politicians and how it's going to pay for things, and now they know that they need that revenue, so they're going to be legalized soon.

Speaker 1:

Just like. The one thing I worry is I noticed people will get a little bit crazy when they crossfade. So like a lot has a lot.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you mean with alcohol Drinking and then doing the cannabis?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can't. Can you explain, like what happens in that process?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean you have two different molecules that are trying to affect your body and you know certain molecules work well together. When you do alcohol, it's doing something completely different, a cannabis trying to do something completely different. They are not synergizing well and can't mix those two. It's the dumbest thing ever. I won't even mix it to it. I'm pretty trained, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm surprised how many people have been doing that and then I always see it. It's like clockwork. Maybe it doesn't happen that one Friday or that one Saturday, but then eventually you see them just go crazy.

Speaker 2:

It's like they're just faded.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're totally faded. It's the best way to describe it.

Speaker 2:

I notice that what I you know. You guys see the studio over there. Yes, two hours into the studio I'll have maybe one or two drinks but, we're definitely smoking weed and all of a sudden I'm like trashed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it happens really quick and it's like whoa and you could back off of it and like whoa, whoa, whoa, but you got to watch because if you're too, if you drank too much, going into it and then you hit the cannabis and that cannabis is going to be stuck for 45 minutes or so, thank God. If it's inedible, it's even worse.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but yeah, those two are not good together. Yeah, I know, kelly, you definitely don't mess with the cannabis.

Speaker 3:

I don't. No, it's just not any. It's not something I ever got into.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I know that I just have had it like taken a break dry January of everything and I think I noticed, like you know, there is that part of me that misses it. However, I think I just went through a hard breakup and you know when. You just need to be completely clear and I think, with the mocktails, like it has given me that placebo effect tipsy, and I'm sure yourself as well, like you, can probably feel a little bit of a buzz from something like this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think, just having it in your hand like you said that placebo effect is 42% of it. Right, you know you almost go out and just having that in your hand gives you that social, you know kind of bump that you need.

Speaker 3:

I love drinking soda water. That makes me, it makes me feel like. I'm drinking alcohol.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if it's in a fancy glass, you got a nice little garnish on it it can be a placebo.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, how did you get into astrology?

Speaker 2:

So, okay, you have those people in your life that talk about it like it nausea and you're like, dude, shut up, it's not real, right? You hear that all the time. It's not real, yeah. Well then I married one that was always on talking, she was always talking about it, and here it made me go look at how a Gemini and a Virgo should be together and it said do not marry each other. And you married one. And I married one, because I didn't buy into that stuff.

Speaker 1:

I thought it was all bullshit. And when was this what?

Speaker 2:

year, this was 2018.

Speaker 1:

Okay, is it pretty recent.

Speaker 2:

Somewhat real. It was five years, six years ago, yeah, something like that. So what happens is that's where I first get this huh. And I thought, oh, I don't, it's not talking to me, right, it doesn't mean me everybody else.

Speaker 2:

And then I start and I read why. And then I started to realize soon thereafter holy shit, this is right. And that was enough for me to go okay, let's start paying a little more attention. And I'm a Virgo, and Virgo's thing is pattern recognition. So I would never have met, ever and would never have gotten to this point if I wasn't a Virgo.

Speaker 2:

So what month is that September, end of August, September. So what happened was then I went to my family Thanksgiving and you know, you guys kind of both have an idea, my family's- huge.

Speaker 1:

I love your family. I have 36 cousins and it's at the cabin right. It's at the cabin right.

Speaker 2:

So there's 36 of 36 cousins alone, and then all the aunts and uncles. There's like 80 people. There's something like that. Wow, I have historical data on my whole family, meaning I've known them my whole life, I know how they are, I know their personalities, I know all that. If you know that and then you overlay Zodiac on them, you can start to look for the patterns. So here I'm, up at Thanksgiving and a couple of things started all happening. My cousin Jen got up to talk and she had tickets that she was selling for the baseball for her kids and she, right before she had to make the announcement, she goes. I hate talking on stage and I, as soon as I heard that, I went are you a Virgo? She's like, yeah, why? I'm like, oh my God, there's something to this, because Virgos hate that.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

So that all of a sudden I start seeing all the little things about that that were coming to light. Like all the earth signs were all close cousins. Like all my best cousins were all Taurus and I'm like holy shit. Well, like my business partners are Taurus. My girlfriend's calling right now is Taurus.

Speaker 3:

And what month is that? That's May, so that hard headed.

Speaker 2:

So that's so you get. You get things that start to come to light like that. And it piqued your interest because you're like, okay, my sister Serena calls me one day. I love her. And she said, did you see the movie Bohemian Rhapsody? And I said no and she said Ross, you're Freddie Mercury to a T. Oh my gosh Now.

Speaker 1:

I come from an Italian family.

Speaker 2:

First thing I said Freddie Mercury's gay, what about me? He's gay, she goes. That's not what I meant, but just watch it. But all I got in my head is he walks around flamboyantly. And is that what I look like? Maybe I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I do a little. You're eccentric.

Speaker 2:

I know I do a little bit Like not gay, but just like that you might be, I didn't think that it meant anything at that second Two days later, because the movie had just come out, my cousin Janine called me Right, who knows me just as much as anyone besides my mom, my sister, my school cousin she said Rossy, did you see this Bohemian Rhapsody? I said no, she goes you're Freddie Mercury to a T. No, no joke, that's all this pattern recognition guy needed here. I went hey Siri, what's Freddie Mercury's birthday Same day?

Speaker 3:

as mine.

Speaker 2:

What Same day as mine. So that's literally what I did I went.

Speaker 1:

Hey, when's?

Speaker 2:

it for that Weird enough. Now put a pin in that. Then I go on and have a band, okay Only after that. I started band.

Speaker 1:

What year was this that you had that revelation?

Speaker 2:

Whenever the movie came out of Bohemian Rhapsody, so like my band was maybe in the beginning.

Speaker 3:

Like maybe in the beginning.

Speaker 2:

If not, didn't really have a band yet. What year? 2019. Okay, so what happens is is I end up working my way up the ranks, play at Jurgles, Like that's where you have to play Jurgles. We film it and I met where I'm playing, so put a pin in that it's on YouTube. I got the film I go play hockey.

Speaker 3:

I'm on my hockey bench.

Speaker 2:

A kid brings a jukebox. He's playing some Queen song I'd never heard before. I said who is it? He said it's Queen. I said get out of here. He says yeah, it's called Dragonfire or something like that. I went back to my office the next day and I'm just on a break typing in my computer and I have the video on. Someone calls me in the other office. I hit pause, I get up, I leave, I come back. I see the screenshot. It's Freddie Mercury's shoes. He's wearing the same brand, same color, same make, same. Everything that I'm wearing in my Jurgles show 42 years later, same exact.

Speaker 1:

That's something to be said.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there's something to that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I mean same birthday, same exact. And when you go look at his chart, so the chart is like we're all 12 planets, we're the minute that you came out of that womb. His are all on the same side and same places of his mind. So, like I think he's also a Leo rising, like Virgo's not like to be on stage, but him and I are both Leo rising, leo's love to be on stage. So it's like a conflicting battle inside our mind.

Speaker 1:

See, I would never think of you wanting to not be on. I would think of you wanting to be on stage.

Speaker 2:

Well, because A I have that and because I have that Leo rising, and also because I was Virgo, raised by Scorpio Scorpios is get out there, pussy could be in a pussy. Get up there on stage could be in a whip, could be in a whip. And that's what rings in my head and I'll give you a funny story, how important it is. My girlfriend joked the other day at family dinner on Sunday.

Speaker 1:

She said where'd you meet your girl?

Speaker 2:

To zoo. Okay, so nice it was. Yeah, was it like a nice function to zoo.

Speaker 3:

But what happened is she says why do you when the alarm goes off? Why?

Speaker 2:

do you jump out of bed like a hundred miles an hour? And I said, I don't know, I like I just feel like that's how you have to do it. She brought it up. She brought it up at family dinner and my dad says, what's cause? I'd wake you up with a taser. And I went oh, that's right, my dad would, literally, for real, he would come in with a taser. You have PTSD for that.

Speaker 2:

I have PTSD from a taser, from an actual tazer, and I didn't even put two and two together until my dad had said it, he jumped out of bed a hundred miles an hour. My dad's like that's because we would taze you.

Speaker 1:

I do love your dad. I did not know he did that. I don't think he did that to the younger generation.

Speaker 2:

Dude, I used to borrow his clothes, okay. So the way he's working, high squad walking in the morning, I'd go right in his closet. I'd sneak past their bed into the closet. So the one day he says you go in my closet again, I'm going to shoot you with a BB gun, or just I'm going to shoot you, or something like that, I said okay, okay, and I didn't think anything of it. The next day You're right, the alarm went off. I'm in him, I walk in, get around into the, I'm in the closet. All of a sudden, here he's got a fucking BB gun. He's sitting in the bed. I look around the corner. He's sitting there like it's me. I'm like dad, come on. I go on back. And he's like go ahead, get out now. I told you don't do it. I ran from, hit the big baby, my house was crazy.

Speaker 1:

We were talking about this earlier. What are the eight stages of drunkenness, Of drunkenness?

Speaker 2:

So you have and it's been a while since I've done this. But let's think of the first right. So your first stage, which is like the I don't want to drink, I'm good. Yeah, maybe have a headache, I'm like, but then like you have one and you're like, okay, I'm starting to lose it up. Then you get into the like and I forget what stage two is.

Speaker 2:

but stage three is like the bulletproof stage where you're kind of like you know but proof is then you get into like the invisible stage where, like you might steal a lighter thinking, no one's looking at you. You're so drunk and your peripheral is like this, but like everyone's looking at you, that's where you think you're invisible. Yes, yes, you think you're discreet. Then there's the I love you man Z stage. Oh, yeah, right, like I love you, man, I love you. What stage is that? That's like stage seven.

Speaker 2:

Seven and then, like stage eight, you get to the plan Zs where you're planning stuff like dude, we should do that, we should mean you should all do that.

Speaker 1:

We should create a business together.

Speaker 2:

I call it the plans. You should start getting the plans. He's an interesting.

Speaker 3:

I never put that all together before.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's kind of true Right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Some action.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's one or two missing, but yeah, well, we, we got the gist of it. I mean, it is hilarious when you go through that process and now that you're kind of not into the like booze and stuff, you kind of you said a little bit, I remember, whenever you were more of like the monologue talker, maybe like 15 years ago growing up, and now I find, like you're so in tune with like this back and forth conversation, like you, you, you want, like you have a bit more patience.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yes, yes, yes. So the difference is weed. Oh, what happened was? I realized when I was drinking I would always want to be the center of attention and jumping up and saying, oh, I got something funny to say.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just waiting for something. Is that?

Speaker 2:

being the oldest brother, I just mean baby being short the whole life. That's probably what it was. I was like 411 all through most of high school and stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But you know, the thing is is I would always want to jump up and say something. We'd made me sit back and question what I was going to say just long enough that I would say it then later. But people thought it was funnier because my delivery, my timing was better and it only took me three or four times of being stoned in public to realize like, huh, your delivery is much better, You're funnier, stoned. Yeah, and then I just learned to be funnier.

Speaker 2:

Whittier too, and just listen to people a little more too, because you get more content if you listen to people.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I mean Kelly's always a good listener, but like whenever she.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, to a fault. I'm a listener and then I don't get out what I'm going to say.

Speaker 1:

You know what.

Speaker 3:

I think about all these things I want to say and then I never say.

Speaker 2:

What's your zodiac?

Speaker 3:

I'm a Gemini.

Speaker 2:

Oh, there you go, Wait what you can't talk.

Speaker 3:

No, I can.

Speaker 1:

She's got two different sides oh yeah, but I also. Crazy. I love the crazy. I married one, Like I said, I mean when you go to order it at a restaurant.

Speaker 2:

Do you always ask the waitress between two? You can't decide between two things at the end of the menu.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm always indecisive and I did want to ask you about our signs and see what you could tell us? And then see if we're likely to be friends or not.

Speaker 2:

So let's see, so you're Scorpio. Yeah, okay, so I was raised by Scorpio.

Speaker 1:

Yes, okay, so dad was Scorpio, your mom was. What was she?

Speaker 2:

She is a Sagittarius.

Speaker 1:

Sag Okay, so she's a fine yeah.

Speaker 2:

So basically, here's what I can tell you about each one of you. Number one you are a, first of all, Scorpio is like you can't push on a Scorpio. Number one Okay, my dad was one and I like to say that the second I push on him, it doesn't matter what I'm doing. The stinger comes out and he will push back and he actually enjoys pushing back. You are.

Speaker 1:

Weird. Do you have a little stinger?

Speaker 2:

Yes, I don't know. I don't like it I don't like it, it's part of you. You have an exeskeleton. You probably don't mind pain. No.

Speaker 1:

I kind of like pain, is that?

Speaker 3:

He does. He used to tell me to step on his foot like stomp on his foot. In high school He'd be like, will you please just stop on my foot as hard as you can? And I would do it. And he was like, oh, I like that.

Speaker 2:

Okay, now I'm weird, is that right? No, it's neat that I know that. Yeah, I'll give you a funny story. I get asked to go speak at this thing called nerd night, where you speak to about 200, like Carnegie Mellon, ducan nerves. It's really cool because what is it? Some neat thing that they, they, they, you learn. But it's also funny at the same time. So, like they have you come talk about a subject, like you know, nuclear, whatever, but then you add like a comedic thing to it. It's really cool and entertaining. So I'm going to go to talk about psychedalex. So the week before or the month before they do it, I want to go scope the place out and just see who's there?

Speaker 2:

with, because it's the best to talk to people when you know what the crowd's like, so that what they do is they do speedfriending beforehand. So imagine 250 people in a room and you each walk in on your ticket, you have a number, and what they do is, for the first half an hour in this thing, they put up on a screen you know number one and numbers 26 at this table, and they literally pair everyone up with five different people over half an hour. Okay, and the deal is you have to sit down and get to know people and then you put like like a thumbs up if you're going to want to hang with that person later. Whatever Fact is is I would sit down with these people and I would look at them and I would say hi, I'm Russ, do you want me to tell you about you, or do you want to tell me about you Now? You said that to a Carnegie Mellon kid and they've never heard anything like that.

Speaker 2:

They're, they've seen it all, but not that. So they go like this, they go. Why guess? I would want you to tell me about me and I would say okay, what's your birthday? Give me a birthday and I'll tell them. Just like that, you probably like pain, probably this, probably that.

Speaker 3:

And like no judge, are like that's weird.

Speaker 2:

How the hell. What's weird is they didn't never put two and two together, that it was birthday, but you can literally offer someone's birthday.

Speaker 1:

How did you know their birthday?

Speaker 3:

I asked them it's first thing? Oh, that was first thing. They weren't even, they didn't even identify that.

Speaker 2:

That was the identifying piece of information I used because it's so far out there. Right, it's, it's cheat code. So now with a Gemini, I mean you guys are good communicators, better writers than both of us for the most part, oh yeah, very articulate, very good at research. Where the Gemini and the Virgo fall in marriage is that we consider and have a conversation about stuff like and probably go way off like deep, because you know a lot about stuff and you've researched it and I've researched it. What happens is I'll say something like we should build that and you go we should build that. Well, the next day the Virgo gets up and starts building it and we love, like that's what, that's what we get out of. The whole thing was building, so that's like the pie for us.

Speaker 3:

Gemini will be like.

Speaker 2:

I'm off on something. I almost like forget what we were talking about. That sounds about right.

Speaker 3:

To a practical person.

Speaker 2:

We will like literally lose our shit. Yeah, because we're like dude, what are you talking? So it's like sand Gemini to me is like sand falling on my hand that I can't keep. No, no, I like, oh, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, don't marry don't marry one and don't like. Don't get into a major project that requires building from with most air signs is my thing with a Scorpio.

Speaker 2:

Did you give a Scorpio a list? Like you literally throw them a list? It's like like they will chew through a list, like to really my son is September 26th.

Speaker 2:

So he's gonna be a Libra heads? Oh no, he's gonna be airhead. He'll be good, I mean like air sign, but technically airhead, yeah, but like Libras are good, they could. He'll be like it'd be good at balancing things out. Okay, You'll have an incessant need to balance things out. It's really weird. Once they're out of balance they get weird or obsessive. A lot of judges and attorneys I see as Libras because they just have an incessant need to balance. Yeah, but yeah it's. I mean, if you ever want to get into it, you know your cousins, you know your family, you know what they're like. Go learn their birthdays and their zodiacs and then go to your next party and start to look at who's all mingling together, who was always friends your whole life. That makes sense.

Speaker 2:

My girlfriend only dated and married Virgos her whole entire life, her whole natural born life. She didn't even notice it and so I said to her babe, your ex has a Virgo, I'm a Virgo, what about the rest? And she went back and did all the birthday she's like every one of them was in September. I'm like it's because you like Virgos.

Speaker 3:

That's the way Taurus is. We're likely to be friends.

Speaker 1:

Scorpios and Gemini oh yeah yeah, big time Right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Here's the coolest thing I've ever found out, and I'm at your sister, my brother's wedding. We were all there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was there.

Speaker 2:

We're all there. I'm in the back and I think it's funny because I have a theory Right, they're talking about the sun, not the son of God. Son, the real son of God. Just change the O in the U. Okay, and I'm reading the priest's Bible in the back of the Tabernacle and I said, hey guys, I got a funny joke to say after my family it's Italian and Cali.

Speaker 3:

Oh my God, if you change the O to an.

Speaker 2:

M, it's actually what they're talking about. And then you read it and they're like, oh my God, you start to put it together. Here's where this is so great. Jesus was born on the 25th, I think, of December. Yep, he died. He died three days. He was born again. He's the light of God, lame of God, light of the world. Okay, sounds a lot like the sun. Light of the world. Okay, now, if you look at what they worship before, whatever we were told to worship, guess what? It died three days before the 25th. On the 21st, which is the shortest day of the year, the sun goes down for three days and hides below the horizon, and on December 25th it comes back up. So it dies and it is raised again after three days. And guess what comes after that? Spring and life and the harvest and all the things that the light of God brings. Okay, now you go back and, first of all, we all know about Jesus. He committed marriage. He did all these miracles at age 30.

Speaker 2:

Okay, go back to the previous people. To win was well. I think Mithra was with the Persians born on December 25th of a virgin. Why are they born? A virgin Cause? Guess where the three wise men that are in Ryan's belt point to the North Star on that day, in Virgo the virgin. So this was written. The story of Jesus was written across nine or 10 different cultures before us as different names, all on the same story born on the 25th, died, risen, performed miracles, son of God, lame of God, yada, yada, yada, yada.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, that is crazy that you made that. Did you read that somewhere, did you?

Speaker 2:

read this connection. No, watch a movie called Zeitgeist. If you watch Zeitgeist, they pull it all together and you are. It's the most mind blowing thing you're going to see. Because you're like that's when you realize every previous culture that won writes history, yeah, and you realize you're living in it. You think you're not. You think you have access to all this information that we're so smart. Guess what the Roman Catholics won.

Speaker 1:

They did.

Speaker 2:

And guess what we follow.

Speaker 1:

The Roman Catholics, the church cheers, Cheers to the church.

Speaker 2:

Cheers to the zodiac.

Speaker 1:

We definitely we definitely have some religious people that watch our podcast and you know we don't want to like Well.

Speaker 2:

I'm not anti.

Speaker 1:

I believe in all that.

Speaker 2:

Like I think a lot of the stuff that's said in the Bible and stuff is good, but I'm just saying like when you look at history, the people that won typically write it. My background is like so I like to look at everything who's fooling me, like what mass psychologist pulled on me right now.

Speaker 1:

Well, I even told that to Kelly. I was like Russ, like he is such a smart guy that I'm like he should have been a psychologist. Yeah, or I mean. No, you're a creator, you're much more creative to be going to get your PhD in psychology. I'll be bored.

Speaker 2:

I got bored with school yeah.

Speaker 1:

I got sick of school.

Speaker 2:

but yeah, I know what you mean. I, like a lot of you, ask me from a doctor, like they'll say are you a doctor? And I say no, and they go are you a scientist? Well, that's what it sounds like.

Speaker 1:

The way that you're describing your product. I mean, I know everybody would have to know their product inside and out, but the way that you're talking about the molecules and stuff, it does sound like somebody's a scientist.

Speaker 2:

Well, we're always, I mean I'm around them all day long. I mean like I, before I met with you guys, I was wearing a lab coat all day long, right, and we're talking about. I mean, I'm literally doing chemistry like in our facility with scientists all day long.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, can you tell me the daily routine of rusts? Or saw some of them here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, so I get out. I keep my phone off at night completely. I sleep on a grounded pillow. By the way, I think everybody should ground explain.

Speaker 3:

How do you?

Speaker 2:

do that. It's plugged into it, it's it's covered in silver uh, coated in silver and then it's plugged into the third prong outlet, so that it's always pulling the positive ions out of my body and into the ground, which is a whole nother podcast.

Speaker 1:

Someday, oh damn.

Speaker 2:

Life changing grounding. Looking up, it is life changing. Uh, so I get out. I keep my phone off until I get in the car. So I have my coffee. I make it in French, press it is that time I uh typically get my day in order. I do a lot of visual visualization at that point Is that like manifestation.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you got to think about what you're doing. If you I mean if you really think about what your day's going to be like Scorpio get this means like putting a list down and then just knocking it off.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, a lot of you wake up and like, oh, I don't know what I'm gonna do today?

Speaker 2:

Well yeah, no wonder you don't get anything done.

Speaker 1:

I don't watch TV. I haven't watched.

Speaker 2:

TV since 2012. What, yeah, you don't know any shows, nothing, wow, and the best thing is I don't get news put in my face. That's I'm telling you, I hate the news.

Speaker 3:

It ruins my day, that's right.

Speaker 1:

I know that's right. I mean, I have to say I I do want to be educated by the news, to be able to talk about it on the podcast. I think that that's important. But you're right, it does bring us all down.

Speaker 2:

It brings you down, yeah, so like that's one of my things is keep you know, make sure Again because of psychology background. Mass psychology is the most powerful weapon of war of anything and to keep them from getting to me means at least my thoughts are clear and they're what I want. Then I go to work. I sometimes I'll hike, like you, if it's warmer out, like I'll hike every single morning, but then you hike close by.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, north Park oh nice, and then we go into lab and the last six months we've been trying to scale up. So I'm actually working in the lab. We're doing, you know, extraction of things. We're doing molecular encapsulation Wow, we're developing products, like I just developed the world's first liquid gummy. I usually have it like show it to you, but we have a gummy that looks like that orange color, yeah, and it'll spray out of a nice pump. You could put it here, put it in a drink. So we're working like advanced stuff. But like every day I go in and I'm like either putting something in my body, on my body, or working on getting cannabinoids out of something and into something else, what's a liquid gummy?

Speaker 1:

Explain that.

Speaker 2:

Well, the world's all taking gummies, right you?

Speaker 2:

know, sugar based. I mean, it's like kind of ridiculous. You would take your medicine with sugar coated around it. Right, that's what the market wants, but they want a more potent one. They want also stuff that goes in drinks. So what we did is we combined it. We now have what tastes and looks like a gummy, but it's in like a cosmetic pump, airtight container. Okay, so now you could spray it on, you could just lick it off, but it's not oily and viscous. You could spray it in your drink and do mocktails.

Speaker 2:

And I think that's the most important thing is now. It was developed to have a one hour onset and quick outset, meeting like alcohol. You have a drink. You know in an hour it's going to be in and out of your system so you can have another one right, and you're always you're kind of in control of where that alcohol is to a certain point. Yeah, when marijuana, if you eat it, you're high for four hours, you're stuck and you're strapped. Yes, well, with what we're doing with the molecular encapsulation, we're keeping the Delta nine THC converting to Delta 11 in your system. What happens is you've seen people get couch lock or they're out Like they have a brownie. They're dead. That's because that THC is converting to Delta 11 hydroxy, and it's a completely different cannabinoin. Your system is different for different things. Hours doesn't do that. So what happens? The THC goes in and an hour it's out.

Speaker 3:

So it's more like alcohol, which is what these decanibals liquor More likely to try that Right, and that's what the cannabis companies wanted when they came to say, look, can you make it replicate alcohol?

Speaker 2:

because people want to sit and have a drink and then have another drink after Now. We're not one drink and they're plastered.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So that's.

Speaker 1:

Because I do think that was the problem with me. I took something that somebody made for me and it was like 36 hours of not feeling good. Yeah, or paranoid, yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

So that's that's it. And then lately I've been getting into AI. So I come on and I got a team from Carnegie Mellon. We meet at night. We're building all kinds of cool AI stuff, which I mean again, we can get into that if you want to, but that's so much fun.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and they got the band and then we're starting to kick off podcasts. I got a lot of stuff going on, but the band takes up my time. We're doing an album right now, all based off psychedelics and what happens when someone takes psychedelics they go through a certain wave on the trip and each song is going to have something to do with that particular stage, and so I'm busy man.

Speaker 3:

So your band? It's called the pyramid incident, Correct?

Speaker 2:

The pyramid incident.

Speaker 3:

And I'm noticing pyramids everywhere.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Tell us about the pyramid thing yeah.

Speaker 2:

So let's talk Zodiac, right, and Scorpio, yeah. So, my, we were, we had the band and we we didn't have a band name. We were just a bunch of guys getting together and what happened was I'm the singer, yeah, and the keyboarder was a Scorpio. They had something that they like doing this, something about that they loved you.

Speaker 1:

Something about that push yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's a stinger.

Speaker 3:

So what happens is?

Speaker 2:

is my the keyboarder we noticed couldn't jam Like we would like to jam and just have fun and scat around, but he like could, he had to read sheet music. So he would just sit out when we would jam, he would just sit back and it was awkward.

Speaker 2:

So here what happened was we started practice the one day and everyone was jamming and he was jamming and the dude was like boom, boom. He was like no, I'm looking at anything and it was dead on. And we looked at him more like Dave. What happened? What the fuck? Here I have pyramids everywhere. He had one on his head. It broke his scorpion mannerisms. It completely broke his need to read sheet music and play whack-a-mole like with a stinger. Instead it broke that and he was just free in an instrument. And no joke that soon as he goes, I put the pyramid on. I went we're called the pyramid incident and the whole band was like yes, all eight of us.

Speaker 1:

That is really cool. You think you have pyramid hats. I know, well, I'm going to tell you, guys.

Speaker 2:

And this is going to sound crazy, but I slept with it on. Okay, I slept with two different Like on your face.

Speaker 3:

So what I do is I put the one on my head.

Speaker 2:

It's like a it's like a copper rods.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Put that one on my head and I slept with that. It's very calming to sleep in. But then I've also taken. I usually carry one on me but like like precious stone and not precious stones like crystal stuff shaped like a pyramid. If you put it in a sock and wear it around your head to the pyramids, point out like a unicorn, your dreams are through the roof.

Speaker 2:

And I was actually thinking about going to market with it, with a dream producer product, because it's that profound. I would try that. Yeah, so get a pyramid put on your head and like people are going to say you're crazy, because what, I don't care.

Speaker 1:

Hey, that's something about you. You definitely do not have the Pittsburgh Pennsylvania mindset, Like you definitely are giving me California vibes and you lived out Right.

Speaker 2:

I married one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, how long ago was that?

Speaker 2:

That was in 2009. We started the tech company out there in a house with four, you know, tech guys that all lived there. It was just like that TV show they all talked about called Silicon Valley. I mean I literally woke up every day, cooked breakfast for them and we started tech company out. But yeah, I mean that's where you pick up a lot of that stuff that I do and that was I mean.

Speaker 2:

You learn about health there. You learn about, like, what they're doing to us here and right. You know you get healthy and you want to tell the world. But yeah, I'm very Cali.

Speaker 1:

And then you came back after how many years you, you moved from Arizona. Six years, yeah, six years, and I was in Florida for a year. Miami, miami and.

Speaker 2:

Florida, florida, yeah, nice, yeah. So I picked up, I lived in all the kind of cool places for them, yeah and yeah, if you pick that up, bring it back to Pittsburgh and teach people.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, and you moved back to Pittsburgh because of the business and you also, you know you're a family guy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, my family. Yeah, I love my family.

Speaker 1:

Let's be honest here. I think we all. That's what brought us back too. Yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Because we've both been away for 10 years. Where were you at Kelly?

Speaker 3:

All over the place. My husband was in the military, so oh, that's right yeah. Florida, pensacola, florida, san Diego, puford, south Carolina, Meridian Mississippi.

Speaker 2:

Your husband's a cool dude too, man. Thank you, he's a dude, he went on your side. Oh, yeah, yeah he's a cool dude. What's his birthday? March 2nd. So he's a Pisces, yes. Yeah, so he's more emotional than you'd think. Probably for a tough guy, yeah, but yeah, he's like acting all tough.

Speaker 1:

You know military Marine Corps. Yeah, He'll still cry.

Speaker 2:

Uh-huh See what's interesting is Vinny is a my brother, vinny the toughest one of us is a cancer.

Speaker 1:

Oh God, yeah, he will cry.

Speaker 2:

Like I'm not saying now, but when we were kids, all I had to do was say Vinny, cry, you're going to cry, I know you're going to cry, look, you're already crying. And he would stop it. Stop it, and he would cry, oh damn. And it's funny because Casey White, my best friend, was also cancer-borne, two days from him and a couple other cancers I know, including my uncle Frank.

Speaker 3:

You'd never think they're the kind of people that'll punch you in the face.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, in public if you wrong them all of them out of nowhere, and it's almost like that cancer crab claw will come out as a as just a way to solve a problem for them that I would never think of, oh no.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I was just in a relationship for four and a half years with a cancer. They're moody man, oh yeah, krabby, for sure, but you're right, like they have that emotion.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's sitting in their language. It's dark sometimes too.

Speaker 1:

Uh-huh, we weren't there, but they're solid people. They are Like biggest hearts. You know they will do whatever. They're very loyal.

Speaker 2:

Yep, it's interesting how loyal to have what they say once, once they have you in their claw like they're not letting you go. Yeah, my redheaded cousin Joey back now would not leave me alone Grown up.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I know, Joey, joey would once he had me.

Speaker 2:

It was like he was four feet behind me like Joey. Get away from him Right. 30 years between it was like clinging until we lost the license and he couldn't drive. It's your story.

Speaker 1:

Was that a mocktail or a mess?

Speaker 2:

It was an incident. Yeah yeah, he had four DUIs. Oh my God, that was nice to get to like 2030.

Speaker 1:

I met so many people in LA that had like two DUIs and it's like it's crazy to think about, like how expensive, and like it really changes your life Big time. I do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I got out of them.

Speaker 1:

So ever so you were able to somehow.

Speaker 2:

I got out of the first one.

Speaker 1:

I did ARD which the state lets you do. What's ARD?

Speaker 2:

ARD is like alcohol rehabilitation, something where you're not to just go and you take classes and then they wipe it off your thing you go to AA yeah. And then next time I got one, I wasn't even driving the car, but it was my car. So it was this huge ordeal and I had to go through. Oh. God, I mean, I went through court for years over and they ended up throwing it out.

Speaker 1:

Wow, so you were fortunate.

Speaker 2:

I was fortunate. But then they refiled it again because they're like man, we want to refile it again and I had to fight it again. So I fought three DUIs. My attorney said that Jesus Christ himself could knock it out of one, let alone two.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was proud of myself, not proud of myself. Do you think it has? Is it because you had the right lawyers on your side?

Speaker 2:

Honestly, he literally looked at me in court right there. The judge said something he looks me, he goes, get out of here. I'm like what do you tell me? He's like go before they change your mind. Like what? And we walked out? And he's like no, jesus Christ himself himself would not have been able to get out of it. It's a long story, but yeah. Yeah, but you learned the lesson, dude. It's really expensive.

Speaker 1:

Do you think it's the politics behind it? Maybe Beer or crap?

Speaker 2:

It's the power of the pyramid.

Speaker 3:

I'll just say maybe, maybe the pyramid.

Speaker 2:

Maybe there was better things for me.

Speaker 1:

Maybe there was bigger things for me out there the power of the pyramid. I'll just say it was before the pyramid.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I don't know, man, but you realize they're like drinking is bad you know, like that's not the reason this stuff. You're not going to get in trouble, you know. Meanwhile, I was just what I was doing was karaoke and they didn't have bar food and they said, oh, go over to Sheets. That's what the little bar that they're told me.

Speaker 1:

I drove across the street to Sheets In.

Speaker 2:

Wexford and they had cops waiting.

Speaker 1:

The Wild Wex.

Speaker 3:

It was in Cranberry but they had a thing.

Speaker 2:

You know, it was kind of like come on guys what are you? Doing. That's so annoying.

Speaker 1:

I mean I will say like that is a big one. Like living in New York. I was there for five years. I loved getting messy and not having to drive. Yeah, you know, I was like that kind of like weekend warrior, that was like I don't have to drive. I mean we can get him, you know, just getting your Uber, getting your cab, get on the subway. But that has the Peter Pan effect where you don't ever grow up. It's true. You're like in this city it's super expensive, like everything is at your fingertips. You know you don't have to like be an adult, almost unless you you know that's well said the Peter Pan effect.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That is very true. You get stuck. I know a lot of people that are still stuck there.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, even La La Land, yeah, la La Land. I felt like I was in this little cocoon in Beverly Hills for the last five years because I'm like, hey, I get up, I go to work, you know, maybe just like live in this, like vacation land, but then it wasn't as motivating as I thought it was gonna be. You know, you go there for like the acting, for the commercial production, whatever it may be in entertainment, but you really have to be focused.

Speaker 2:

Well, dude, it's the carrot. Yeah, See people don't understand, like it's not the destination, it's the journey, and that like it's-.

Speaker 1:

Such a simple concept.

Speaker 2:

It's such a simple thing, and I know, I mean, I know, now I'm like 45 years old, damn.

Speaker 1:

I've had enough of those where you've seen both sides you look a lot younger than 45.

Speaker 2:

Thanks, man, that's all that kombucha I drink.

Speaker 1:

Is the kombucha being vegan? Oh, veganism, that's it. I mean, that's what it is. What did a vegan, like you're all said?

Speaker 3:

When did you go vegan?

Speaker 2:

I went vegan in 2014.

Speaker 3:

Oh, you're a trendsetter.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I was early.

Speaker 3:

You did this before, See you haven't dabbled in like-. I've been eating meat for over a decade, dude.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's impressive.

Speaker 2:

I've been eating meat for over a decade. And that's what happened was I went into the doctor for concussion. Okay, I went in for a concussion.

Speaker 1:

Was that a bar fight?

Speaker 2:

It was in Tortola the next year, my family got knocked out.

Speaker 1:

Bad. So, that was what year 2012, I think.

Speaker 2:

Something like that. Wait, we did go 2012. Maybe it was 2013. I didn't get hit in the head that time, right.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't think so.

Speaker 2:

My girlfriend from California. Wasn't there that time, right? No?

Speaker 1:

I remember there was an Ambien incident. No, that was no. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So what happened.

Speaker 1:

Do you want to dabble on that one? Yeah, tell me now. Okay, well, I'm like you know, I mean, this is like why this is literally 12 years ago right. This is like 12 years ago.

Speaker 2:

My dad was big on Ambien. My dad used to be like the Indian Candyman because he was a big torturist on it Like hey, take your Ambien, go to sleep, you should try Ambien at work.

Speaker 1:

Well, he's such a successful guy and I just thought like, wow, okay, you knock yourself to sleep and you get up at 4.30 in the morning.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you go to work. Yeah, let's try it. Maybe I'll be like that.

Speaker 1:

And so then I think somebody's idea thought it was a good one was to drink and have some Ambien.

Speaker 2:

Well, no, and the thing was we were like a mile above the seashore right. Yeah, because we were trying to make it down this rickety right. Staircase, yeah, staircase, to the thing on Ambien and back, but it was a good half an hour round trip. Oh yeah, and Ambien kicks in in about 20 minutes, so we knew that you might not make it back. Oh my God, yeah. So what happened? I can't remember what happened to us. We made it back.

Speaker 1:

I think we did, but everybody started to get really sleepy and we were just like are we gonna have to lay down or do you guys like I don't think it's safe to walk up this mountain of, like this staircase mountain back to the house? Such a bad idea. Those were the messy moments that we learned from now. Thank.

Speaker 2:

God nobody's killed. Those are those period, pan days that you just get stuck in it.

Speaker 1:

We had some good times, man. That was it. We did. I mean, thank God, we could live to tell about it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's the truth.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we had some messy times.

Speaker 3:

We did.

Speaker 1:

We don't wanna discuss everything.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

But I'm sorry I cut you off, right you? Were talking about your buddy. You got into veganism.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, the reason I went vegan is because I went to the doctor for concussion.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, concussion.

Speaker 2:

And no joke, I said hey.

Speaker 2:

I'm real lethargic. I don't know what's going on. She goes well. Your mother has hypothyroid and that could cause lethargy. So I'm gonna do a blood test and if you have low T1 and T2, I'm gonna put you on arm or synthroid and then we're gonna. I'm listening to $50,000 worth of bills she's telling me on some inkling she has so they could do all the biopsies and they decided that my thyroid's calcified. She said we gotta remove it, we gotta do this thing, and I looked at her and I said what Time out.

Speaker 2:

Time out. First and foremost, I walked in here and I gave you two pieces of data. I'm tired and you know my family, basically Because my family, she said, with that two bits of information, you looked at me and told me you're gonna prescribe me something for my thyroid, I said. She said, well, it's genetic. I said me and my mother live both in the thyroid belt Because of her goes her data people. Whenever I started this whole conversation, it was like I look for patterns, so I know like she's messing with me at this point.

Speaker 2:

I said if we both live in the thyroid belt, we both have a depletion of iodine in the soil and all that. Wouldn't it both make sense that we both had this problem with low? And she looked at me like I was an idiot. And then that's when I realized you're getting, you're reading the Mark manual. That was trained.

Speaker 1:

You were trained by pharma to take A and B, like the pharmaceutical company.

Speaker 2:

Mark, who makes all the pharmaceuticals?

Speaker 1:

My mom writes for Mark. Okay, so you know, look at the devil. Okay, look at the devil. Oh yeah, she's left.

Speaker 2:

So they write hey, doctor, you are the white coat that's now gonna deceive everyone else. For us as our salespeople, if this, then this, and then they're gonna buy into you because you have a white coat. Remember, I told you, most people looked at me and say are you a doctor or a scientist?

Speaker 2:

Because I questioned them right, and I looked and I said that and she said and I said you know what I heard an apple a day will keep you away and I'll try that. And I went vegan. Wow, that's a great story, and I've never been vegan. Now I have a question now.

Speaker 3:

Because you know a lot about this stuff. What can you do for ADHD that wouldn't be like Adderall.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I can take exactly.

Speaker 1:

Because I think all three of us have it yeah first thing We've been struggling or do you think everybody does in this new generation?

Speaker 2:

No, I think it's for sure, things that are in your environment that are affecting your nervous system.

Speaker 2:

So, number one. We already have so much on our system that it's fucking everybody out. So what you need to do is detox, detox, detox. So like a good thing to do is a gallbladder cleanse, do a liver cleanse, drink as much water as possible, you know, just anything that can pull heavy metals from your body.

Speaker 2:

We're getting inundated every minute with this stuff, so really like we're dying of cancer because your body can't heal itself when it's fighting the real time stuff that's coming on. So if you can find a way to get the real time problems mitigated right, Like by taking antioxidants and all those things heavy metals you've been removing heavy metals. Once your body can switch to heel mode, I mean that's all it's meant to do. But when it's inundated with stuff that it could never get to, like here, juggle all this stuff and make me an espresso, Like good luck, you're never gonna get the espresso right Put all this stuff down, focus on espresso, and that's kind of what you need to do with your body is detox. So don't be totally afraid, because it's all I mean. It's coming from everywhere. But if you can be like constantly keeping it out as best possible, then you know, just stay ahead of it so you don't drink tap water? Fuck, no, Fuck no.

Speaker 2:

In fact, I barely showered it. I haven't washed my hair in five years.

Speaker 1:

Because you don't really need Do. I have washed your hair.

Speaker 2:

I've not washed my hair in five years.

Speaker 3:

How is it not dirty looking. It's clean. It smells good. Right, shame's on you this is natural.

Speaker 2:

It's my natural oil.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

It's pretty neat I guess it doesn't smell. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Right, I mean, would you say it?

Speaker 2:

doesn't smell.

Speaker 1:

No, I mean listen, it doesn't smell like shampoo.

Speaker 2:

No, it's not gonna smell like shampoo.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah it doesn't smell like fresh, but it doesn't smell. It smells good, thank you, I thought it smelled good, thank you. Maybe it's like the pheromone, I think it's just smelled like kind of sweat A little bit of just nice.

Speaker 2:

It's a nice male sweat.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, not like a BO sweat, just like you might have worked out. Yeah, yeah, yeah, like a light glistening. Yeah exactly.

Speaker 2:

But I'm telling you that's the thing there's like I don't. I don't get rid of tap water, don't drink it. Don't drink any purified water. That's all bullshit too.

Speaker 1:

So what do you drink when it comes to water Spraying? Spraying, we got the cabin and literally get out of the ground, put in a jug and the jug sits in and you have that in your fridge.

Speaker 2:

It's upstairs in my kitchen Check it out. Freshly squeezed out of the earth, oh wow. But you gotta I mean you gotta watch everything. And that's my tip to people is like listen, if you wanna start getting healthier and look at like just look at stuff that's gonna be positive on the points, as opposed to negative right, and then replace something that's negative with something positive, like, for instance, if I make eye contact with my apple cider vinegar or goji berries, I have to eat them.

Speaker 3:

Like if I make eye contact, it's like, oh damn it.

Speaker 2:

I looked at you. All right, give me a swig of that.

Speaker 3:

That's pretty simple.

Speaker 2:

Right, if you like the potato chips, go out and get something that isn't potato chips. That's good for you, and put it right where the potatoes are, and if you do that, like with 10 things in your life a year from the day you started, you're so much more healthier with the stuff you're putting in. Oh, yeah, I like that. Yeah, just little bits here and there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah Well, the last thing that I wanted to ask about is your book. So you have a book. It's called Molecular Influence Successfully hack the minds of potential investors, customers, partners and more. Can you tell us about?

Speaker 2:

that, yeah. So, billy. Well, I'll take it back a little bit. So when I was five years old, my dad, who started Guardian Protection Services, which is an alarm company that was at one point the largest privately held home security company in the nation I saw him do that from the garage of my grandparents' house, right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

He used to bring me to the home show every year, which is the big thing in Pittsburgh.

Speaker 1:

I remember you telling.

Speaker 2:

So he would have a booth and then across from him was another guy that had a booth and I would sit there all day and I'd watch this guy sell stuff and I'd watch my dad do stuff and, long story short, it would take my dad forever to sell something because it was alarms and it was tough. We got a little magic trick. My dad's dad was a magician. I was the oldest grandchild so I was always in the magic trick. So like why I knew my grandpa's magic tricks. Like I wasn't getting cut in half, but the crowd saw me getting cut in half, so I started to learn early perceptions, reality right, like I'm part of this trick that they think is real, but I'm only six, you know, or five, like there's something too.

Speaker 2:

So you learn magic. You learn systematic approaches to things. What happened was I saw this guy across the way from me selling two mobs to whatever he was selling every year to every any person that walked by him. He would catch their attention. They would buy two mobs from him, or Vegematic, salsimatic, whatever year it was. He had something different and the moment that changed my life happened, where a wife and a husband walked past each other. They walked past me. The wife had two mobs, husband had two mobs and she looked at him and said it really sucks that you can only buy two of these. And I went he's got a magic trick and I put two and two together because I knew enough about magic that he was telling them what card to pick.

Speaker 2:

And here I walked up to him and I said I'd love to know how you do this, mr Mays, but better. He said all right, kid, I want you to stand next to me. You're gonna see me pick off the wives and the husbands and the kids. I'm gonna hit one off where they can't refuse and everyone's gonna buy two. And I'm like it was like way over my head, right? So here he starts calling people up. He says Russie, get up here. He sits with me next to him and he says hey, you women, have you ever spilled marinara sauce in your precious tile grout? And like the woman are like yeah, and half the dudes are like rolling their eyes, Like I know where he's gonna go with this. And she thinks she's gonna buy them off.

Speaker 2:

Right, he throws down marinara and picks it up. And the guy's like no big deal, like yeah, yeah, guys, I see you doing that. How about this? You all got oil, motor oil that you spilled in your garage, right, you can't get up. And you see the calf. The guy's like, yeah, he's like if you buy this for your wife today, I'm gonna throw in this special thing. He throws the sand down the sand, picks up the oil. Then he's sweeping up things with kids. You're like I wanna try it. He basically says look, you guys all buy today. It's summertime. If you buy it today, I'll give you another one. For you, that means you wiped out your Christmas gift. You have people that have back problems that you know that does work for blah, blah, blah, blah, boom. All of a sudden everyone's buying two of them. That resonated with me. That dude was Billy Mays.

Speaker 1:

Yes, that's right, we were talking about that. That thing was deep cause I'm watching 15 years later.

Speaker 2:

I'm watching TV and I see the OxyClean commercial. Come on, hey, I'm Billy Mays with OxyClean and blah, blah, blah and I called my mom. I'm like mom, is that the guy from McKee's or Oxy's? Like that's the dude that you asked to train you that? I'm like, oh my God.

Speaker 1:

So the world's?

Speaker 2:

greatest salesman literally trained me at seven years old and then I went into psych school. So what happened was is I have an event cause. I'm the first college professor in cannabis and I have, like this, like all these cannabis professionals coming to Harrisburg to do this event, the night before the event, one of the doctors calls me and says I can't make it, you need someone to fill in my spot. I'm like I can't make it. I'm the only person like. There's no one else is going to drive the Harrisburg tomorrow with something right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So then I was forced to think, like what are you that? Like what? Could you sit in a room with 300 people like and like what would you be the best at? Because, like, otherwise, who wants to listen to you? And I thought, well, I don't think anyone in that room is as good as a pitch man is me. I don't think, right, like if I just pick one thing.

Speaker 2:

So I got up and I explained my backstory and explain how to pitch and I talked about all this psychology. That was really cool because, like in 20 years of psych, like I know some really neat little tricks that I would say to people. So here I do this whole speech and I'm done with it. And I said any questions and do when you speak out loud, if you know, if no one has any questions, the worst. So like it's crickets and I'm like really all you could go raise millions of dollars right now, like if you needed a pitch. And again crickets and the one dude raises hands sharpest dude with the tie pocket thing going on like just gold. He said, russ, I have a question.

Speaker 2:

I said John Doan from Shimatsu. He said do you ever write a book? And I might know, like that's the question. Like I said, no, he goes, you need to write a book. And like I just pause because I this hit me so off, so out of nowhere, and he goes Russ, shimatsu is a $4.3 billion company. I have been managing the United States region for 20 years. My job has been to bring the best sales training companies in to Shimatsu to train our sales people. I have never in my life seen something so succinctly and perfectly put together in such a tight and well, well laid out framework. You need to write a book and, no joke, I went and wrote a book right after that and it was funny because I actually wrote in that you know the first page. Thanks, john Doan, for you to give me the idea. But when you think about it, because I was raised by a magician and my dad was a white collar magician.

Speaker 2:

Then I went to psych school and learn how to train rats in a skinner box and actual why that magic works psychologically on you, the research that ties back to why it works. So now when I see Billy Mays do something, I know exactly what they did in a lab or what they did in research that he can count on that working. For instance, if I. They did this really neat research where they took a sales team that closed let's say it was window sales at an average of 18%. So for every house they went in 18% of the time they walked out with a deal.

Speaker 2:

The researchers said I just want you to say ask, I just want you to incite a yes three times where you typically wouldn't, and I don't care if it's do you like pizza? And they say yes, would you like to go eat later? And they say yes, just get three more yeses. Their odds of closing went up 14% by just getting three yeses. So they went from 18% to 32. I know that for a fact, so I will always get people to say yes. Just another good example they did research in a printer in New York on a busy day in the middle of the day and they want to see if they can get people to let them cut. So if I walk up to you and say, hey, I want to cut, to get in line, let me cut the odds of this. A New Yorker on a daily is going to take a fuck off.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, but they found out.

Speaker 2:

If you go and say, hey, my baby is in the car and the windows aren't down and I need to make this copy like 100% of people, let you go. So then they started like, well, how much of an excuse do you really have to give? They found out. If you just walked up and said, oh my god, the sky is blue and I need to cut because there's not much time left, the odds were the same as if you had a kid locked in the car.

Speaker 2:

You just have to have some reason that you say it. So, whereas my girlfriend will fight me all the time and say why do you say that? Why did you say that to that guy working to register? You didn't even have to say that. I'm like, because I want him to comply, I want him to say yes, and I know for a fact, if I give him that excuse, he's going to say yes because I know the research. So don't like, I don't need to question it, you know like. So it's neat to know that stuff and that's what's cool about kind of what got me to that book is I know all those invisible leverage points.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, kind of like when you're seeing people do brain surgery and push on someone's brain and they're like speaking backwards. That's what psychology is like. I can see it coming across. You know, you throw zodiac into it now. It's kind of like.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, now did you.

Speaker 2:

Not fair.

Speaker 1:

Did you feel like, whenever you are trying to push people to say yes, do you find like somebody will be like so resistant because they are just so against like giving in?

Speaker 2:

So that's where Because?

Speaker 1:

you know, they're all that. I hear you.

Speaker 2:

I hear you, that's where your prep time. So give me an example. We came out with our liquid gummy Friday, yeah, and this is the liquid gummy. Imagine, it's like a little pump spray. I'm just using an example.

Speaker 1:

I'm sitting outside of and you just say gummy, because it's basically the same effect. People want gummies. Yeah, they taste it.

Speaker 2:

It's called liquid gummy because it looks like it, tastes like it, except you could put it in a water and you and you could put it in your pocket and go. No concert Like they say what is that?

Speaker 2:

But the fact is is to your point. My framework and what I learned from Billy is I don't, they're never going to have a chance to say no, okay, I don't have a chance to think first, so I'm sitting outside. On Monday, I got this new product that the world's never seen and I'm sitting in my car outside of a place I'm about to go walking and find out what the market thinks of it. But I don't want them to tell me like no, right off the bat, like they would ruin the game for me. Right, I want to spend an hour with them and I want to find out what they like.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I want to talk to their customers when they come in. Understand.

Speaker 2:

So I'm sitting in the car thinking how do I make sure that happens? And the deal is in my book. One of the things that you can do is cause curiosity. If you can cause curiosity in someone, you're good, like that's a hook. Yeah, if you can cause if they need you, if there's a common enemy, if there's a common goal, like there's these six things that if you just know you can find one of them. Like if I know that if an alien had a gun pointed out like me and you were best friends right now, right, it's me versus them. It's like no matter what, like even Muslims and like Catholics that hate each other whole life. If aliens had guns at us, like forget who's what. Like let's get guns together and go after them, like we're a team. Point is is you can use these tricks.

Speaker 2:

So I thought what would I say to that guy? So I literally no joke, here's the framework. I walked in to and I did this to six shops in a row and I got the same exact response at every one of them. I walk in and I wouldn't make eye contact, like I was going in like with this. I said have you seen anything like this? Do you guys care anything like this, and all attention is on this thing and we're all staring at it and they're going. I've never seen anything like that and I thought no, I got you Just guess what I'm curious.

Speaker 2:

And that was it. So I just had to get to that point with them. But I had to look at every way I did everything, how my eyes were. Did you ever see anything like this? You know like a salesperson might walk in and like make eye contact. I want to shake hands and do all that sales bullshit. Ah, fuck that.

Speaker 3:

Hey man you're seeing like this he doesn't know if I'm a customer, he doesn't know if I'm looking for that. He doesn't know if there's the next best thing.

Speaker 2:

Then I turn on and I said, dude, you know why you didn't say it? Because I just invented it in a lab on Friday. It's the world's first liquid gummy. Like, check this shit out. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, whip it All right, what, like what.

Speaker 2:

But if I would have walked in and said, dude, I want to tell you something, the guy would have been like yeah, I don't think so, but that was gone. And there's a reason. There's two things. There's the thing you're going to know you have a social norm and you have a market norm. Have you ever lent a friend money and shit changes between you. Oh yeah, it's because you switched from a social norm into a market norm. The second money's transferred, you turn into a business and things change immediately, no matter how good a friend you are. And if you can keep them out of that transition to a market mode and stay in social mode, you can run the world.

Speaker 2:

A lot of people can't do that because it's very uncomfortable. You have to find a way around it. You need to get a defense mechanism down. If he knew if I was pushing something on him, he would have had the defense mechanism down. And where you know it works is when an Indian cratum shop owner literally is built to say no to salespeople and turn around Right when he does this and he goes wait a second, what did you say? And he spends 45 minutes with me as customers are coming in and he's just letting them do their thing. That's a big, tall sign because usually they're trained to just see you later and go back to the back of the store for that to myself.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, I mean it's all about a systematic approach. Life is a system, If you just learn how to put the right things in order.

Speaker 1:

Do you owe that to your success today?

Speaker 2:

I had to my well what the systematic approach to the thing.

Speaker 1:

Just kind of your understanding. You're talking a lot about being able to pick up stuff from your grandfather, billy Mays, and now you're sounding like a professor right now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, I think the thing is this when you see something work in real time anecdotally, and then you can tie back a research to it and have a finite, that that's working, like a lot of people, a lot of stuff's invisible to people where you can count on it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you start to use that.

Speaker 2:

You leverage it and yeah, but you pick up stuff from everybody. I mean a little bit of pap, a little bit of dad, a little bit of Billy Mays.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, your brother just texted me. Really, yeah, was he what he said to me, stuff about like extra work. Oh, yeah, yeah, I was more, I was just subject.

Speaker 2:

I just thought I was funny. I got work free too. If you're looking for work down the lab, we're looking for people.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I would love to talk about some opportunities. I mean, you know, I studied industrial manufacturing engineering.

Speaker 2:

Well then, son of a bitch, this is perfect.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it's not like bio, but it's definitely understanding about the manufacturing process and you know even us with, like, you know our business, like we want to get into like creating a product, for you know the understanding behind the mission. It's like mocktails that really create that placebo effect, tipsy, kind of like what we're dealing with right now. You gave me this. What is it? Feel free. Feel free. I do feel a little free right now. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you'll feel good. It's like the best, it's truly the best, like it's your. How much do you drink? About half of that.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I definitely took more than you.

Speaker 2:

I think I have.

Speaker 1:

I definitely have like three quarters. Oh then you're going to feel no, I mean, it's all plants, you're going to feel good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're going to feel real relaxed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, calm, definitely Like, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, and I also think, yeah, you might be right, and I also think it has something to do with this guy. I mean, his energy is through the roof. You are such an optimist. I mean I think that everybody needs to take a dose of Ross Jr. Oh, thanks man. Yeah, don't you agree Like we were getting a little sleepy with one of our guests? They, um, that was like a first couple episodes, like, and we didn't even actually end up posting it, because you really do have to bring not just only your background in, like so many different businesses, but your energy, your energy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, people want to watch energy man. It's like I learned what and I write about this in the book. Like my sister asked me, like what should I do next time Cause? Like she gets on the podcast and I'm like no failed. I asked her about her business. She's like oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh oh oh, oh.

Speaker 2:

But like then we went to dinner and just was, there's a抓 dog. Wait a minute. Now we won, but Chip is a who. Why did we Rocket? I remember right after hi, goodbye. I think we were in our limit, yeah, I just wanted to say Thank you so much feel free to tell me all of the stories we've. That's what I was thinking.

Speaker 1:

But what's your most embarrassing memory?

Speaker 2:

My most embarrassing memory Because I'm known as the shock value guy. People are like, wow, that's Russ that took his pants off and covered it with a deer skin and ran around outside.

Speaker 1:

Your brother always said he wants shock value. He wants the shock value Like an octagon. Oh yeah, she does too. She don't let her fool you.

Speaker 2:

What would you do in New Orleans if you wanted to be the one that everyone thought was crazy? I'm going to ask this one what would you do If you were in New Orleans and you had one night? Just like I said, with this, you need to make sure everyone on what is it Bourbon Street, bourbon Street remembered who you were.

Speaker 3:

I don't know. Last time I went we hit up all the stroke clubs. Okay. I didn't get on stage, but maybe I should have. That's Okay, that's how I was going to do it right? What would you?

Speaker 2:

do If you were in Bourbon Street. You had one shot one night. Oh, I know exactly what I'd do. What would you do?

Speaker 1:

I would wear I mean, this might not be conventional, but maybe a G-string thong.

Speaker 2:

That's good and you are right up the right alley, although that's a little too normal mainstream. Yeah, that's true. Where's full-blown gimp suit?

Speaker 1:

Oh wait, something real covered.

Speaker 2:

I wore full-blown gimp suit down.

Speaker 1:

Bourbon Street. Wait, I'm sorry, gimp suit is yeah. Like what is that?

Speaker 2:

Full-blown leather gimp suit with face cover oh my God and a chain around my neck and a leash at a bachelor party and I didn't say a word for six hours straight.

Speaker 1:

That's hard for you. Do you have a gag in?

Speaker 2:

your mouth. I have a full gag in their mouth. I mean, like I walk in the casino, the security's laughing with me. They grab my leash. I mean New Orleans is a crazy place and a gimp suit. Best part about it is I wake up the next day. Okay, we're all hungover. One guy's real rich. He's got a private plane. He says, dude, you want to ride on the Pittsburgh on the private plane? I looked and I said come wear my gimp suit. He's like hell yeah. So I got to wear it. Then, oh my God, is this one of your neighbors growing up? What?

Speaker 1:

Is this one of your neighbors growing up? No, it was a buddy of my dad's. Okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, dude, but yeah, gimp suit, and I just did it in Nashville. I wanted to be the guy. Oh my God.

Speaker 1:

And I brought.

Speaker 2:

Did you ever see this new Insta360 camera that you can hold out and it looks like it runs following you. I said watch this. I'm going to bring this thing out. If my dance moves, people are in a wonder. And sure enough, we got Nashville, the world's most entertaining place. Next day is New Year's Eve. We go to the world's biggest New Year's Eve party, because this is the new New York is Nashville.

Speaker 3:

Oh for sure.

Speaker 1:

You know what?

Speaker 2:

the no drop and I didn't even know it was going on. We just were there because we thought it would be cool to be there for you.

Speaker 3:

So here.

Speaker 2:

I walk all the way to the beginning eight hours before the show to get in line or at least talk to people in line. And the first guy in line goes hey, hey, dude, you're the guy that was dancing last night on the wall with the camera.

Speaker 3:

So I got a.

Speaker 2:

Thing for going to cities and just try to find a way to become the center of attention. But yeah, gimpsuit will do it, g-straw and G-String would also do it.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, Well, I think the G-String.

Speaker 2:

You had your own hair too. Your own hair with the G-String.

Speaker 1:

The Tarzan. Yeah, yeah, I mean I think the GIMPSuit might be a next thing. Yeah, you have to. I mean just have it, just have it ready, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Okay, it's my brother-in-law's bachelor party.

Speaker 1:

It's what we're all doing. It's 25 of it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then we had a guy who grew up in the 90s with me where we had rocker ragers like I mean like rock stars, where we would ruin hotel rooms, right.

Speaker 3:

It's just a thing Like when the movie Hangover came in.

Speaker 2:

Vinny. Vinny's like you see, I'm like, yeah, it's one of our weekends. He's like, yeah, yeah, vinny looks at me and he goes dude, we have no good stories to bring home from the bachelor party.

Speaker 1:

Oh god, he goes you know what?

Speaker 2:

Somebody should wear a GIMPSuit.

Speaker 3:

And I said I know where the hustler's story is. Well, like Rocky, you're wearing it. He's like, no, I'm not wearing it. Oh, rock, I'm like.

Speaker 2:

I'll wear it.

Speaker 3:

So we did, we went into the hustler.

Speaker 2:

I got a picture of me in a GIMPSuit like this oh my.

Speaker 1:

God, it was a good. It was a good GIMPSuit. Now we had stories. How much does a GIMPSuit go for? Do you remember, if you?

Speaker 2:

get the cheap fake latex. It was like 60 bucks. Okay, now you go to the real. You know genuine leather. Yeah, you're getting up there.

Speaker 1:

It's an investment. It's an investment.

Speaker 3:

I think I'd get too hot.

Speaker 1:

I know A little sweaty. Yes, yeah, it's definitely. Yeah, I like that.

Speaker 2:

Gore-Tex. I'm going to get a Gore-Tex GIMPSuit. Gimpsuit, whisk off that Exactly.

Speaker 1:

Exactly Now, before I, you know, wrap things up, I want to know is there any questions you'd wish to ask us?

Speaker 2:

What's your favorite band of all time?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah. I got to say I really gravitated towards Fitty, Really Fitty Cent.

Speaker 2:

Fitty Cent.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I mean, I guess bands were not.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're right, you grew up in an age where there was a lot of artists.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just like single artists. I mean I'll be on and like, maybe even like Christina, because we got that. Christina, pittsburgh. You know her mom lives in your old neighborhood. My brother made out with her oh what?

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, my brother made out with her Christina and your bro. Vinnie, it's a pool, I think in my parents' pool actually. Oh wow, that was a big day when we finally made out with that and they were like what that?

Speaker 1:

is pretty cool.

Speaker 3:

That is pretty cool All right.

Speaker 2:

So how about you favorite band?

Speaker 3:

or artist. I've been sevenfold, but I mean I love Britney Spears.

Speaker 1:

I love.

Speaker 3:

In Sync and the Baxter.

Speaker 2:

Boys. Yeah, If there was only one dude left on the world on the planet I had to pick a guy it would be Timberlake. Oh yeah, he's a good looking dude, you like his song that just came out. I didn't even hear it because I don't listen to radio or TV. Oh, what's it called? It's called Jell-A-Tv. I don't listen. Oh yeah, yeah, it is good Him and Bruno. I love Bruno, but I wouldn't marry Bruno if he was the only guy left. I just feel like he's trouble.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, he's trouble for sure. He's trouble for sure. You definitely are an inspiration. Thank you so much for sharing your story and being an open book. I think Kelly and I can definitely learn a lot from you in the future and, you know, maybe even later tonight. Oh yeah, well, thanks for having me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thanks for having me. Yeah, thanks for having me. 造upbeatcom consumption in terms of backdrops

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